Shocking Things No One Tells You Happens After You Get Married
Jonathan Borba

Shocking Things No One Tells You Happens After Your Wedding Day

You’ll impatiently wait for your wedding photos to arrive. If anyone snapped blurry pictures on their phone, you will want them to send it to you. It doesn’t matter how bad the photos came out because you want to see everything that happened during the day – and you know you’re going to have to wait a few weeks (or even months) before you get any photos back from your photographer. If you thought counting down the days until the wedding was bad, waiting for photos and video can be even worse. Especially since you probably won’t have a specific date when they’ll be ready. You’ll simply have to check your email day after day, hoping that you’ve finally got what you wanted.

You’ll hear surprising stories about what went down. Months or even years later, you’re going to hear people tell stories from your wedding that you never knew about. Maybe the coffee they served was cold. Maybe the DJ made hilarious joke that you missed. The stories could be good, bad, or neutral, but you’re still going to be surprised by them. Even though it would have been impossible to be in fifty places at once while you were focused on walking down the aisle and snapping pictures, it’s still strange to think that certain things went down on your big day that you didn’t know about.

You’ll feel a little down. Everyone claims that your wedding is supposed to be the happiest time of your life, but after the honeymoon ends, you’re going to go back to your regular, normal life – and it could get boring. After all, you don’t get to look forward to a bridal shower or wedding or honeymoon anymore. The big milestone is over. And even though you’re proud of what you’ve accomplished, and excited you and your partner have made things official, there might be a period where you feel a little sad that it’s all over.

You’ll compare every other wedding to your own. Going to the first wedding after your wedding is bizarre. Instead of looking at the decorations and dresses and thinking about what you want for your wedding in the future, you’ll be comparing everything to your wedding in the past. It’ll be weird to remember that you’ve already been there and done that — but you’re going to have a newfound appreciation for how much work the couple put into planning. You’re going to compliment them on the little details other people missed because you know how much work (and money) it took.

You’ll be relieved the stress is over. Even though you’ll wish you could replay your wedding again and again, you’ll also be relieved that you’re done dealing with vendors and payments and family problems. When other people talk about planning their wedding, you’ll be happy to give them advice since you now have experience and feel like you’re licensed to help. However, you’ll be thankful that they’re dealing with the stress and not you. You’ll be happy to start the next stage of your lives together.