Alina Vilchenko

Tarotscope For Today: Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Table of Contents


Your Card: The Devil

Clinging to the familiar may give you a false sense of security. However, the true empowerment you seek is in letting go of what chains you down today. The Devil is your card for this Tuesday. An outdated relationship, habit, or codependency needs to be addressed. Break free from thinking you need something or someone outside of yourself. You’re capable, here and now, as you are.


Your Card: Ten of Swords Reversed

It’s time to rebound after a hardship. You likely have been struggling lately, feeling like you’re walking around with swords in your back. Betrayal, loss, or heartbreak has made you feel stuck. However, this Tuesday flips the script. You’re healing. Although you won’t feel better overnight, you’re surely seeing the hope on the horizon that better days will come. Take your time. 


Your Card: Knight of Wands

There’s no need to run around aimlessly. Although you may feel reactive today, find the patience to slow down. You’re capable of causing more harm than good if impulsive. This Tuesday, the Knight of Wands colors your story. You’re feeling restless and active. While it isn’t a bad idea to defend your honor, go after what you want, and plot your path, it would be harmful to charge ahead without self-awareness.


Your Card: Three of Pentacles Reversed

It may feel like teamwork is replaced by disorder today. Those you usually rely on may be hard to reach. Or, you may feel you don’t fit in, belong, or know how to make sense of social situations. While it may be frustrating, know you have what it takes to complete the tasks at hand. A little extra communication can go a long way. Rather than pulling back and trying to do 

everything independently, remember that you need others and others need you.


Your Card: Five of Wands

Conflict is brewing. However, behind your knee-jerk reactions, you may find that the tensions arising are quite petty. Compromise will be the solution. Although the characters on the Five of Wands tarot card battle for power in building their intended structure, they would find much more success in letting go of their pride. Build together, intentionally. If you’re working on something on the side and not on the same page, it could make your efforts null and void in the end.


Your Card: The Star

Renewal finds you today, Virgo. There’s a sense of peace and serenity washing over you and your intentions. It’s time to let the past go. You feel that healing is naturally taking you to newfound hope. As you feel better, you do better. It’s easier than ever before to tap into forgiveness for yourself and others. Optimistic promises elevate your Tuesday.


Your Card: Temperance Reversed

Moderation is key to restoring your energy today. It’s likely one area or circumstance in your life has been taking up too much of your time. Rather than feed the imbalance, pull back. There’s no use in depleting yourself. What’s meant to be,will be. It won’t require your exhaustion. The silver lining is that today you identify your challenge and course correctly, even if uncomfortable at first.


Your Card: Queen of Wands

Confidence, charisma, and charm find you today. You’re not afraid to say it how it is but in a calculated and collected manner. Your direct nature will make all the difference. Leadership opportunities allow you to stand out from the rest. This isn’t the day to take the back seat. You’re ready for the responsibility of power. Empowerment is your greatest asset.


Your Card: Four of Pentacles

Don’t listen to your anxiety. Worries and concerns are valid. However, clinging to outdated beliefs isn’t going to do you justice. As you go throughout your day, let go of control. Your fears may be telling you to push, prod, clench, or direct. The truth is that surrendering will bring you the best results. There’s no better feeling than finally letting go and letting it be.


Your Card: The High Priestess Reversed

What’re you avoiding? What are you pretending that you don’t know is true? There’s a block in listening to your core intuition today. Rather than gaslighting yourself, listen to your gut. There may be a dream, an omen, or just a strong inner calling to do the right thing. Despite your fear of the unknown, it’s important to have the strength to remain true to yourself.


Your Card: Six of Pentacles

Help is on its way. When you’re lent a helping hand today, don’t second guess it. Take the support you need and deserve. There are positive opportunities for business partnerships. On the other hand, this exchange can even occur in your interpersonal relationships. There are practical resources you feel depleted in: time, money, health, resources, and the like. Don’t be afraid to let others in.


Your Card: Seven of Cups Reversed

Confusion hazes your vision to start your day. You want this, that, and another thing. However, your scattered approach will not bring you the conclusion your anxiety seeks. However, as the hours progress, you figure out how to focus on one situation or desire at a time.  This brings far better results. Anxiety, fears, and indecision have the potential to stump you at first. You’ll come to realize making any choice is better than none.