Samuel-Elias Nadler

3 Helpful Zodiacs In Escape Rooms—And 2 That Aren’t

An escape room can either provide tons of entertainment—or hours of misery, depending on the group. If you’re planning such an outing, check the zodiacs of the potential guests. Some signs will be absolute assets to finding an escape route, while others will tempt you to claw your way out. 

Escape Room Assets


Cool, calm, and collected, Libra will use their superior intellect to interpret clues, assign tasks, and sort through theories. This centered sign won’t let emotion interfere with crafting a successful exit strategy. They’ll glance at the countdown clock and find their way out in record time.


No matter what they’re doing, the fun-loving Archer knows how to turn any situation into a party. When tempers get short, you can count on this zodiac to break the tension with an hilarious joke. Plus, Sag is an adept game player who has a knack for developing winning strategies.


Ambitious Capricorn excels at escape rooms, because they combine powerful drive with earthy practicality. This sign will often begin the game by taking a few minutes to understand the rules of the room, organize clues, and keep an eye on the clock. The Goat’s ability to be stay under pressure is a definite asset. 

Escape Room Liabilities


Ultra-sensitive Cancer needs lots of praise and encouragement. Unfortunately, escape rooms don’t offer such luxuries. While everyone else tries to work as a team, the Crab may sulk in the corner over some imagined slight. It’s probably better to meet this zodiac for drinks after the game ends.  


Blessed with tremendous powers of analysis, Virgins tend to overthink things. As a result, they are easily distracted by red herrings. In addition, because this zodiac is usually the smartest person in the room, they tend to discount other people’s suggestions. This is definitely not the vibe you want in an escape room.