Ozan Ƈulha

3 Zodiacs Who Have Shameful Souls

Shame-based thinking can be a challenging hurdle for all of us. Life takes a lot from everyone.

Certain zodiac signs are more inclined towards shame-based thinking. It is written into their birth charts. An obvious example is Virgo, whose perfectionism can often lead to feeling like they fall short.

Letā€™s explore how those signs can affirm or manifest themselves through the weight of shame, transforming these intense feelings of self-doubt into explosive moments of growth.


Affirmation: I set boundaries and keep myself safe.

Your drive to accomplish so much and be constantly active can sometimes lead to feelings of shame when you feel you arenā€™t achieving enough or moving fast enough.

Acknowledge your incredible drive and ambition, but also recognize the importance of setting boundaries. Use this affirmation to remind yourself that itā€™s okay to slow down and take breaks. Protecting your well-being and allowing yourself time to recharge will help you sustain your energy and reduce feelings of shame when you canā€™t do it all at once.


Affirmation: I take pride in becoming the person I am meant to be.

Your perfectionism and attention to detail can sometimes lead to harsh self-judgment. You often feel ashamed when things donā€™t go exactly as planned.

Embrace your journey of self-improvement and growth. Instead of fixating on flaws, use this affirmation to celebrate your progress and the person you are becoming. Focus on the positive steps youā€™ve taken, which will help shift your perspective from shame to pride.


Affirmation: I give myself the time and space I need to rest.

Your so very intense emotions and desire for control can make you prone to feelings of shame, especially when you feel like your emotions are spiraling

Allow yourself to rest and recharge without judgment. This affirmation encourages you to acknowledge your need for self-care and to see it as a strength rather than a weakness. Taking time for yourself helps to manage intense emotions and reduces shame-based thinking.