Signs They Want You To Want Them (But Don’t Want You Back)
Pexels / cottonbro

Signs They Want You To Want Them (But Don’t Want You Back)

Sometimes, people want your attention because it gives them an ego boost. Because it makes them feel better about themselves. Because it gives them a surge of hope that they are attractive, that they are worthy of love, that they are going to find the right person for them someday. But just because they want your attention, it doesn’t mean that want you.

They’re only half invested in your conversations. When you’re complimenting them or asking questions about their interests, they’ll be quick to reply to your messages. But when you’re talking about your own life, they’re going to check out of the conversation. They’re going to give one-word answers or stop answering completely. They’re only invested in the conversation when the conversation centers around them and their life, when you’re asking them questions, when they get to talk about themselves. They don’t actually want to get to know you. They just want attention from someone. They are using you as a sounding board to hear themselves talk.

They rely on you to cheer them up whenever they’re going through a rough time. Every time they contact you, they have a sob story to tell you. Maybe they broke up with someone or maybe they’re feeling down about their career, but it’s never happy news. They always run to you for comfort – which could be a good thing since they know you always say the right thing to make them feel better again. But when it’s the only time they’re contacting you, that could be an issue. It could be a sign that they’re trying to use you as a band-aid, a way to feel better until they’re able to get back on their feet and chase after the person that they really want. After all, if they wanted to be with you, they would be in touch with you constantly, not only when they need a shoulder to cry on.

They never take their flirting too far. They’ll make subtle comments that will lead to R-rated conversations, but they’ll let you do most of the talking, most of the yearning. Even though they might drop compliments here and there to keep you interested in them, they never take it a step further by setting up a date with you. They always keep the flirting strictly over text. And if they flirt with you in the real world, it’s because you happened to run into each other. Not because they actually set up a time and place to meet. Even though this could be a sign they’re too shy to ask you on a date, it could also be a sign that they don’t want a date. They want things to remain fun and lighthearted. They want you to continue lusting after them while they’re free to date other people.

They are involved with other people. As much as you want to believe that they wish they were with you instead of their partner, they have the power to end the relationship at any point in time. The fact that they’re dating someone else but still flirt with you is proof that they only want your attention – and that they are not trustworthy. If they wanted to date you, they would. They made their choice.