Horoscope For Today: Sunday, September 22, 2024
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Today kicks off on a rather dramatic note, with the moon in Taurus making an exact conjunction to Uranus at 27° at 1:28 AM EST. Even if half of the continent isn’t awake yet, the effects of this seismic astrological event cannot be overstated: we will be feeling the aftershocks all day, and probably for quite a while into the future.
When the emotional realm of the moon faces pressure from the planet of the unexpected, eccentric, and shocking, truly anything is possible, but there are some clues that can be gleaned based on what astrologers have learned about Uranus since its discovery in 1781.
To get this out of the way first, there’s the chance of electrical outages, earthquakes, lightning, and extreme weather in general. If you live in an area where such events are common, you might wish to take extra precaution for the next several days. But in this case, with the influence of the moon, which rules over the emotional world, it’s more likely that today’s earth-shattering events will be experienced on a more internal level.
This doesn’t mean that we won’t hear about them; on the contrary, you can expect truly shocking news to make its way through both the mainstream and digital media, and inflammatory comments to go viral as people act on their impulses more than usual. Be wary of your own mood swings, which could lead you into dark terrain if you’re not cautious—and if you tend to tweet first, think later, it might be a good day to shut your phone off.
Things get decidedly calmer, or at least more predictable, once the East Coast is awake. The moon continues its transit through stable, rational Taurus, lending some semblance of groundedness to our speech. At 6:13 AM, the sun in Virgo lends a harmonious trine to the moon at 29° before the moon ingresses into talkative—and sometimes controversial—Gemini.
Of course, sometimes it’s important to take a loud stance. If you’re merely shouting into the void about trivial matters, you’re creating more hatred and hostility in the world for no reason. If, on the other hand, you are pursuing a noble cause, you might be in luck today. With a stellium of planets crowding Libra, including Venus in exaltation at 29°, there is an overarching theme of justice—especially for women and women’s issues. Venus rules over this sphere, and while it’s seated at its anaretic degree, you can be sure its influence will be felt the world over.
What can you expect on a personal level? Read on, according to your rising sign.
In the early hours of the morning, the moon and Uranus will make a dramatic conjunction in your second house, triggering massive shocks to your finances. If you recently took a calculated investment risk, you might see a major ROI. On the other hand, if you sunk your hopes, dreams, and bank loans into a passion project you desperately wanted to get off the ground, you might experience significant losses. A few hours later, the sun in your sixth house will trine the moon at the anaretic degree, offering you one final chance to set things right: restructure your plans, change your daily habits, and scale down your sky-high dreams for the moment. Incremental, slow, and steady progress is the name of the game today; for the impatient Aries, this is undeniably a huge challenge. Fortunately, by the time the moon ingresses into your third house, you’ll be feeling more hopeful, optimistic, and ready to commune with others who can provide you with a sounding board for your ideas. Trust in your community to step up and help you—if not materially, then at least in the form of some good old-fashioned brutal honesty. Meanwhile, your seventh house is packed full of planets, including Venus at the anaretic degree: if you’re ready to take a relationship to the next level, whatever that means for you, today is the day to do it. Or, if you’ve been settling for less than what you deserve, you could kick your miserable situationship to the curb.
Today the cosmos is placing a specific focus on you, with the moon and Uranus conjunct in your first house just after midnight. You can anticipate a major change to your identity and physical presence. How you show up in the world will not be the same from this moment onward. Some of you will face scandals you fear you’ll never be able to come back from, but the influence of the moon will likely soften others’ hearts and make you appear more sympathetic—so even if an old series of questionable tweets are being dragged out into the light and you feel like you need to go into hiding for the foreseeable future, don’t panic. Others will experience positive glow-ups and increased popularity, perhaps having viral moments that lead to extreme, sudden wealth. Early this morning, the sun in your fifth house trines the moon at the anaretic degree, adding a healthy dose of fun, creativity, and romance to the whole experience and giving you a golden opportunity to ride your wave of virality right to the top. Everyone may get their fifteen minutes, but it’s up to you to build something long-term. The moon will ingress into your second house later on today, helping you view your financial circumstances through rose-colored glasses. Meanwhile, a stellium of planets are holding court in your sixth house, including Venus at the anaretic degree, suggesting a happy ending at your current workplace. A job change could very well be on the horizon.
The moon and Uranus conjunction in your twelfth house can certainly indicate shocking news related to hospitals, prisons, or asylums, so if a loved one has been struggling with a physical or mental health problem, you may spend the day helping them through a crisis. On the other hand, you could have a breakthrough in your own therapy journey, realizing that unhealed trauma is holding you back—or that you need to commit to sobriety after losing most of your twenties in a blackout haze. The catalyst, whatever it is, will inevitably trigger forward movement that improves your life and gives you a greater sense of compassion for those who are struggling. Later this morning, the sun in your fourth house makes a trine to the moon at the anaretic degree, indicating closure within your family or home life. Some of you will decide not to re-sign your lease, while others will move out of the nest for the first time, determined to pursue recovery on your own terms. This is a profoundly healing day, one that marks a major turning point in your life, although you might not recognize it as such quite yet. The moon’s ingress into your first house will illuminate the positive qualities about you, making you appear softer and warmer. Those around you will be more willing to help you. Meanwhile, your packed fifth house presents you with plenty of opportunities for creative and romantic fun, as well as to surround yourself with children’s infectious joy. Venus situated here at the anaretic degree provides an opportunity to begin, or end, a short-term fling. Make the choice that is best for you.
The moon in your eleventh house forms a conjunction with Uranus in the very early hours of the morning, causing cataclysmic change to erupt in your social circle. The drama might have less to do with you than your social circle or professional network, but the nature of Uranus is that it disrupts everything it touches, and has far-reaching consequences, so you won’t exactly be able to stay neutral. Do your best not to let the chaos distract you from your purpose, especially when, later this morning, the sun in your third house forms a trine with the moon—it’s at the anaretic degree, giving you the chance to use your top-tier communication skills to mediate a seemingly out-of-control situation. Say your piece, and then sit back and observe. Once the moon ingresses into your twelfth house, you’ll crave isolation and solitude, so put your phone on Do Not Disturb and set some strict boundaries. You spend so much of your life playing the role of mom friend, sometimes you forget to take time for yourself. Meanwhile, your home and family life is undergoing a lot of change, whether on a material or emotional level. This is reflected by the stellium of planets in your fourth house—including Venus at the anaretic degree, which may suggest meeting a partner through your family. If you’re heading home to visit them, you might reconnect with your high school sweetheart.
There’s no getting around it: your professional reputation is about to get rocked. The moon and Uranus make an exact conjunction in your tenth house soon after midnight, inciting potential scandals, drama, and massively unexpected changes to how you are perceived by the public. You might awaken to find you’re the newest influencer being slammed for controversial tweets from a decade ago. If this is the case, roll with the punches; the influence of the moon suggests that outsiders are likely to feel more empathy towards you than outright hatred, and you are likely to come out on the other side with a very cool redemption story. On the other hand, if you’ve been staying mute online, this karma could skip over you and the energy could manifest in a very different way: you could receive an insane promotion or go viral out of the blue, bringing attention your way that you have always dreamed of. There is no sign that loves the spotlight more than you, after all, and you’ll bask in the glow of the adoration. Use this opportunity to grow your platform and believe in the potential you carry: you aren’t just here to keep people entertained for a week or two before they move onto the next trend. This morning the sun in your second house will make a trine to the moon at the anaretic degree, giving you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to secure your bag. When the moon moves into your eleventh house, networking opportunities abound, so keep an eye on your email inbox and DMs. Meanwhile, there is a stellium of planets in your third house, emphasizing the importance of remembering where you came from—and offering you a diplomatic communication style that will help you navigate this new landscape of fame with more ease. Venus is hanging out here at the anaretic degree, so a hometown relationship might have to come to an end.
With the moon and Uranus forming an exact conjunction in your ninth house very early this morning, you can anticipate revolutionary shifts in your religious, cultural, educational, and travel pursuits—or, possibly, all of the above. Some of you will become unlikely zealous converts after an unexplainable divine encounter. Others will get accepted into their dream grad program. Still others will learn you’re getting your long-awaited book deal—and moving abroad with the advance you receive. When the sun in your first house trines the moon at the anaretic degree, you can officially say goodbye to your former identity: you’re stepping into a new era of your life, one characterized by stubborn determination to build long-term success with an international audience. The moon will then ingress into your tenth house, solidifying your astronomical career elevation. All eyes will be on you today. Meanwhile, with a stellium crowding your second house, including Venus at the anaretic degree, you can expect major financial rewards. There’s no such thing as a perfect day, but this comes pretty close.
The moon in your eighth house collides into Uranus very early this morning, as a conjunction of these two very different planetary energies incite changes to your relationship with death, sex, debts, and other people’s resources. It’s possible that a relative could suddenly pass away and leave you an inheritance you didn’t know existed, yes, but it’s equally plausible that you could just have a mind-bending sexual experience that leaves you questioning your true desires and preferences. The sun in your twelfth house makes a trine to the moon at the anaretic degree later this morning, giving you a window of time to self-isolate and work through your emotions. It’s best to simply sit in silence for a while and trust your own intuition, rather than FaceTime your long-distance best friend for a rundown of the situation. There will be time for this later today: the learning process will inevitably unfold once the moon ingresses into your ninth house, drawing your attention to the bigger picture. If you have a million-dollar inheritance from a great-aunt you never knew, for instance, what are you going to do with it? These are the types of questions you’ll need to grapple with as the stellium of planets in your first house transform your sense of identity and purpose. Among others, Venus is there, sitting at the anaretic degree. Avoid serious committed relationships right now. This is a time to indulge in a little self-love.
When the moon-Uranus conjunction goes exact very early this morning, your seventh house will experience major destabilizing disruptions. If your relationship has been on the rocks, it could finally reach its logical conclusion today when the universe delivers receipts: if someone has been unfaithful or dishonest in some way, it will likely be the last straw for you. On the other hand, if you haven’t exactly been keeping your side of the street clean, you’ll have to own up to those decisions and face the consequences. Later this morning, the sun in your eleventh house trine the moon at the anaretic degree presents you with the opportunity to discuss your crisis with your friend group, but be prepared for some brutal honesty. If you’re too emotionally sensitive, you might not be prepared to hear it, even if it’s well-intentioned. When the moon moves into your eighth house, you will feel moodier and more depressed, but don’t allow yourself to wallow too long, as you’ll be busy dealing with the ugly and awkward parts of a breakup: sorting through your things, deciding who keeps the dog, and moving out of the place you shared. Meanwhile, the stellium of planets in your twelfth house reminds you to keep an eye on your own addictive and escapist tendencies; at crisis points, it’s only natural to reach for vices, but you’re best staying sober-minded right now. Venus here, at the anaretic degree, suggests that the end of this particular tryst is for the best. You’ll have greater mental clarity moving forward.
Early this morning, the moon and Uranus form a conjunction in your sixth house, destabilizing your workplace and the daily habits you take for granted. While some of you might suddenly lose your jobs or spontaneously decide to quit, others will receive promotions they never saw coming in a million years. Your name has likely been spoken in rooms you didn’t know about, for better or for worse—and what happens today will impact your day-to-day for the foreseeable future. If you do get bad news regarding your job, don’t immediately go straight into panic mode: instead, wait to see how the rest of the day unfolds. After all, later this morning, the sun in your tenth house trines the moon at the anaretic degree: an exit point suggestive of better things to come. What seems like a failure may actually be an opportunity to expand or elevate your professional life. Once the moon ingresses into your seventh house, you will feel empowered to communicate your plans with an existing partner or seek out a new one who can provide solace either through romantic commitment or the signing of contracts—or both, if you’re the type who can handle mixing business and pleasure. Meanwhile, a stellium in your eleventh house makes you especially popular within your professional sphere. With Venus there, sitting at the anaretic degree, you may find your dream man or woman within that group.
Your romantic and creative life is about to be changed forever—not to mention your relationship to children. When the moon-Uranus conjunction hits your fifth house soon after midnight, you can expect seismic shifts: an unexpected pregnancy is possible, as is a sudden lightbulb moment brought on by a conversation with a casual partner. The relationship might not be meant to last forever, but the karmic lessons will stay with you; you can choose how to use them creatively to reach others. Later, the sun in your ninth house forms a trine to the moon at the anaretic degree, reflecting either an ending to a short-lived relationship or a leveling up of commitment. If you do find yourself pregnant, your situationship might suddenly get down on one knee. It’s up to you to discern their sincerity. When the moon ingresses into your sixth house, you’ll lean more into your practical side, planning and strategizing rather than going straight into an anxiety spiral. Meanwhile, there is a huge stellium of planets holding court in your tenth house, including Venus at the anaretic degree: to say your reputation is about to change is an understatement, and chances are your partner will have something to do with it. There’s a good possibility they’ll come along for the ride, no matter how much of a whirlwind it might be. If they’re going to run out of fear and not stick around through the hard times, you’ll undoubtedly know by the end of today.
Your home environment is about to undergo some big shocks, with the moon-Uranus conjunction going exact early this morning in your fourth house. You may learn something truly shocking about a family member, or your house might experience electric issues that require your full attention. You could also be forced out of your current home due to a situation out of your immediate control: a slumlord raising your rent, a crazy neighbor, or a toxic and abusive situation with a relative. The sun in your eighth house forming a trine to the moon at the anaretic degree further emphasizes the role finances play in your current situation, though you won’t necessarily go into crisis mode. Help could come from a practical and reasonable relative, ex-spouse, or kind Samaritan. The moon will ingress into your fifth house later on today, helping you view your circumstances more optimistically—and potentially inciting you into creative, innovative action. Meanwhile, the stellium of planets hanging out in your ninth house provides you with help from religious and spiritual leaders, as well as international friends; have faith that you’ll be delivered from this momentary setback. With Venus included in the lineup, interestingly fixed at the anaretic degree, you may find that a new relationship begins as a result of all of this chaos. There is always a silver lining.
The moon and Uranus conjoin early this morning in your third house, indicating that your local environment will be destabilized in some way: either by wild weather conditions, power outages, or petty neighborhood drama that has gotten out of control. The positive side of this is that your skill as a helpful mediator will come in handy; you will be able to speak to others calmly enough to help them see reason and sense before their primal self-preservation instincts drive them into volatile territory. Your partner will also play a significant role, since the sun in your seventh house will form a trine to the moon later on this morning, placing them right there in the middle of the action. It’s always good to have a support system during moments like these, but you may be pleasantly surprised by how well they do under pressure. Once the moon makes its move into your fourth house, your own household will become your priority, whether that means dealing with technological or electrical issues—or calming traumatized relatives and pets. Meanwhile, a stellium of planets crowding your eighth house, including Venus at the anaretic degree, suggest that your partner will most likely offer to help you out financially if something needs costly repairs. We learn the true character of our loved ones during moments like these. This experience will either make or break your relationship, and for most of you, the outlook is positive.