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Which Stereotypical TV Character You Are, Based On Your Zodiac Sign


The bully

A cross between Angelica from Rug Rats and Blair Waldorf, they rule the roost. You don’t mess with their territory, their turf, or their crew. The bully runs the show, and if it’s your pocket money or your lunch they’re after, you let it go, no questions asked. They use aggression to get what they want, because they haven’t learned a better way to interact with others.


The hunk with a secret

Maybe he’s a vampire, maybe he’s a drug lord with a heart. Maybe he murdered your best friend and your meet-cute at the search party wasn’t a coincidence. Whatever the circumstances, the high beam reflection off his pearly whites is blinding your ability to ID the abundant red flags that come with this very, very attractive package.


The paranoid best friend

She hasn’t been diagnosed with generalized anxiety…yet, but everything with “paranoid best friend” is either a competition, a race, a deadline, or more often than not, the end of the world. She’s Caroline from The Vampire Diaries meets Monica from Friends and we know and love her in the many forms she takes.


The therapist

This professional Fraiser Crane is both a mystery and an enigma, often taking on whatever qualities the protagonist projects onto them. I mean, who would Tony Soprano be without the foil of Dr. Melfi? The therapist can evoke your deepest insecurities and wildest fantasies without appearing to lift a finger or ever revealing any of their personal desires.


The aloof bombshell

She’s sad. Her parents are getting a divorce and the person she’s dating now sucks, and it’s up to you to rescue her from her own demons. She’s hotter when she cries and has no idea how attractive she is because she’s too busy worrying about the fight she just had with her mom. Just don’t let her wander off on her own in Tijuana.


The tough lady cop in a silk blouse

She’s got a kid, a messy bun, a holster on her skinny jeans, and an endless supply of crimes to solve. The will-they-won’t-they with her partner drags on for an eternity that spans at least a million stakeouts. Some would say she’s a little jaded, but underneath it all she’s just looking for love.


The kick-ass rule follower

This Cristina Yang wannabee is here to beat you at your own game. She’s going to get there before you, prepare more thoroughly than you, and impress everyone while making you look inadequate. She knows who she has to get on her side to succeed and won’t give you a break no matter how much you need one. Rules are rules after all. It’s not her fault if she wins fair and square.


The one who travels too much

She just got off a plane, has more airline miles than she knows what to do with, definitely has VIP lounge access, but still came into town for her best friend’s graduation, bridal shower, or crisis – take your pick. She’s a little above-it-all, and won’t hide the fact she’s outgrown her hometown, but still isn’t fluent in French after years of living in Paris; *cough cough* Mademoiselle Emily Cooper.


The mom who flirts with minors

Everyone mistakes her and her daughter for sisters, so why even bother to correct them? There’s not much ‘correcting’ period when it comes to her looks, everything has been so well preserved and maintained, her jealous neighbors can’t help but spread rumors she’s had work done. But the only work being ‘done’ is by her gardener or pool boy.


The villain everyone loves

We know we’re not supposed to root for the evil genius or maniacal mastermind, but we do it anyway. Why? Because they have charm, they have wit, they have sarcasm, and sometimes it turns…sexual? The unbridled confidence and bravado is just begging to be tamed. The glimpse of softness we can see through the chink in their armor has us hooked for good.


The nerd

Constantly reading or studying or partaking in a hobby that boxes them in with the social pariahs, hey are almost always in some awkward prepubescent stage, in a Stranger Things, lanky, just outgrew my entire wardrobe kind of way. Adults never understand them or take them seriously, but they somehow always have way too much responsibility on their shoulders than they should at this age.


The one who wants to save the world

Can’t do anything wrong, never breaks the rules unless they absolutely can’t help it. Probably has an alter ego, like a ZorroBatman, or Superman, which requires them to live a demure and unassuming life in public. Way too focused on the greater good to get their love and/or personal lives in order.