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Dating Sucks, But It Hurts Even More When You’re A Deep Feeler

Dating seriously sucks, but it hurts even more when you’re a deep feeler.

Because when you date in a modern world, you’re not supposed to feel anything at all, let alone show it. You’re not allowed to care too much, feel too much, or be too much. Cool, calm, and collected is the only way you’re allowed to be.

Everything is supposed to feel effortless even though every move you make is carefully calculated. For example, there are formulas for the right amount of time to text back. You must keep it together when they leave you on read but are still the first ones to view your Instagram Story. When dating today, you can never reveal your cards too soon or you’ll lose the game you didn’t even want to play in the first place.

But when you’re a deep feeler, following the rules of dating is essentially impossible. Because deep feelers don’t know what it means to hold back emotions. They experience everything so intensely that feelings don’t just pour; they bleed out.

Deep feelers don’t know what it means to “go with the flow.” Deep feelers aren’t the ones to wait and see where a relationship goes. They don’t do aloof, they don’t do detached. If a deep feeler likes someone, they are all in and ready to commit.

While some people may think deep feelers are too much and too sensitive, this is not the case at all. To continue to feel in a world that prefers you to be numb is not only brave, but it is also a rebellion.

While this definitely makes dating harder, that’s okay because the right person will understand a deep feeler’s heart. Good love is worth the wait. Never forget that.