Maksim Goncharenok

4 Zodiac Signs Whose New Chapter Is Being Written While Mercury Is In Sagittarius (11/2)

The planet Mercury is typically considered a personal planet, influencing the dynamics of our individual lives more than that of the collective, although its reflection on humanity at large is undeniable whenever it goes retrograde several times a year. Depending on which sign the messenger planet is stationed in at any given time, the world communicates differently—sometimes with assertion, sometimes with more tact, and other times with outright hostility.

On November 2, at 3:19 PM EST, Mercury ingresses into spirited, bohemian Sagittarius. Now, Mercury is considered in detriment in Sagittarius. As the old adage warns us, it’s best not to talk religion or politics in polite company—but daring Sag tends to disagree, and in fact doesn’t really know how to have a back-and-forth without being a little controversial. The sign of the archer, after all, is Jupiterian, which increases its desire for knowledge, even if that means stepping on some people’s toes to acquire it.

There’s a time and a place for everything, and this time of year it’s inevitable that Sagittarian themes will be amplified around the Thanksgiving dinner table: religious and academic institutions, foreigners, travel, and cultural differences. If recent events tell us anything, there will be heightened xenophobia, uncertainty about how to coexist with radically different cultures, and people speaking with the zealotry of the newly converted.

Although everyone will feel the impact of this transit, the following four rising signs, those ruled by Mercury and those ruled by Jupiter, will experience it the most intensely.


Quick-thinking and fast on your feet, as a Mercury-ruled sign, you’re always willing to say what others aren’t. This willingness to hear everyone out is an attractive quality, and as Mercury transits your seventh house you’re bound to deepen your dialogue with existing romantic partners and close friends. You aren’t satisfied in relationships that don’t challenge you. If you’re partnered, your conversations will inevitably get deeper. If you’re single, you can use this opportunity to join a discussion group or register for winter classes, where you’re likely to meet someone who you connect with on a profound level.


The devil might be in the details, but you don’t mind sifting through them until you find the truth. Since you’re ruled by Mercury, you are curious and adaptable but also like to fact-check just about everything; you’re unlikely to be fooled by fake news. As Mercury transits your fourth house, you’ll be speaking to your family a lot more, and many of you will be literally returning to your hometowns for the holidays. There’s no way to avoid it: you’ll be thrust right into the middle of familial debates about topics you may otherwise be too polite to bring up. You might find yourself expressing your own deeply held beliefs for the very first time.


Bold and charismatic, you know how to draw people in with your carefree spirit, but sometimes your impulsivity can read as recklessness. You’re ruled by Jupiter, so you’re determined to seek truth, expand your knowledge, and understand why people believe what they do. This transit brings Mercury into your first house, shaking up your identity and making you a stronger, more courageous communicator than ever. If you are given the opportunity take on a leadership role in a beloved religious or academic institution, you will recognize your own strength as a teacher and mentor.


You might be known and loved by your friends and family for your sensitive soul, but your public-facing image is one of confident spiritual leadership. You’re ruled by Jupiter, so you appreciate a good deep dive, and you like to take your knowledge and findings to the global stage. With Mercury transiting your tenth house, your latest thoughts regarding religion, culture, and travel have the potential to elevate you to heights you never dreamed possible. Some of you will release books, while others will give powerful speeches at religious and academic institutions. Many of you will find success in other countries, possibly traveling abroad to communicate them to a receptive audience.