The Most Powerful Days To Read Tarot This Month Are Approaching

December 15th

On the 26th of this month, the last Full Moon of the year will rise. This final Full Moon – or Cold Moon, as it is often known – comes with a sense of finality, as it draws the most recent chapter of everyone’s lives to a close. You may find yourself with a heightened intuition on the 15th, which will give you the ability to connect more closely with your tarot deck and interpret your readings more clearly. You may also find it useful to ask questions related to reflection, seeking closure, or events that have concluded recently. 

December 21st

This is the day of the winter solstice, a time of deep reflection, new beginnings, and renewed energy. The winter solstice is one of the best days of the entire year to read tarot, because the holiday indicates that a new life cycle is beginning for the Earth; something which will imbue your tarot deck with energy and give you great opportunities for future growth. Reserve your deepest questions and longest tarot sessions for this day; it’s likely to provide you with significant insights, and you may also notice that your connection with your tarot deck is deeper than ever.

December 31st

The final day of the year can be another powerful day to read tarot on. It’s a good time for reflecting, gaining closure, and looking ahead to the new year. If there are things you want to reflect on with your tarot deck or events you want to put behind you, you might want to seek guidance on these things on the final day of the year, to achieve a sense of peace and finality as the new year is being welcomed in. Additionally, December 31st is close enough to the new year to give you a good sense of what you might want to accomplish, which will give your tarot deck a better opportunity to guide you.