Ancient Latin Phrases To Provoke Each Zodiac Sign
It is often said that we are aimless without a solid understanding of history to guide us through our current times. Astronomer Carl Sagan simply described it thus: “You have to know the past to understand the present.”
Latin proverbs have a lot to tell us about humanity. They remind us that across many eons, we have struggled with the same existential questions, experienced the same ennui, and wrestled with the same doubts on our spiritual journeys. Your dark night of the soul, painful though it may be, is certainly not unique.
There’s even a popular Latin phrase that argues against astrological determinism, instead emphasizing free will: “astra inclinant, sed non obligant,” meaning “the stars incline, they do not bind.” Long before Richard Tarnas popularized the concept of participatory epistemology, or the idea that we actively engage as a collective in order to bring cosmic potential into tangible reality, philosophers were grappling with the question of fate versus free will.
What is remarkable about Latin phrases is how straightforwardly honest and succinct they are. Each proverb below represents the essence of each of the twelve zodiac signs, distilled into a single thought-provoking statement.
“fortes fortuna aduivat,” or “fortune favors the brave”
“acta, non verba,” or “deeds, not words”
“verba volant, scripta manent,” or “words fly away, writings remain”
“bono malum superate,” or “overcome evil with good”
“humilitas occidit superbiam,” or “humility conquers pride”
“multa paucis,” or “say much in few words”
“pax vobiscum,” or “peace be with you”
“per angusta ad augusta,” or “through difficulties to honor”
“sapiential potential est,” or “wisdom is power”
“vincit qui se vincit,” or “he conquers who conquers himself”
“libertas perfundet omnia luce,” or “freedom will flood all things with light”
“memento vivere,” or “remember to live”