Fiona Murray-deGraaff

Every Zodiac’s Tarot Reading For This Week’s Buck Moon (7/21)

There is a lot of energy around! As we move towards the Buck Moon (renewal, strength, and growth) on July 21, 2024, it’s a good time to take stock and strategize.  Here is a brief three card tarot reading to help you understand the best way to capitalize on all that upcoming energy!

In these three card spreads, the first card represents the energy you bring, the second is the energy the world brings to you, and the third is a bit of advice.

Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius 

Dynamic and passionate, people born under these signs are described as adventurous, independent, and fiery. 

You: 4 of Pentacles 

This is a time where you can see the abundance in your life and understand your worth. It’s a good moment to understand where you have laid your foundations, and evaluate if your mindset matches your situation.

The World: Queen of Swords 

The Queen of Swords is astute and a clear communicator. She is influential and wise – a thought leader. The world is bringing this energy to you when you are able to recognize the abundance in your life, and you feel secure enough to be your most honest and direct self. 

Advice: King of Wands

Wands are associated with fire. The authentic, self-reliant, and passionate King of Wands is able to use that fire to his creative purpose. The King of Wands encourages you to build an empire worthy of yourself.  It is a call to leap into entrepreneurship, into a leadership position, or to work on any project that brings fire into your belly. 

Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Earth signs are practical and grounded, and those born under them are known for their cautious planning and long-term outlook.

You: 10 of Swords 

The 10 of Swords is about painful endings and the crisis they bring. It portrays a time when delusions are lifted, illusions shattered, and appears in times of betrayal. With these painful events comes an opportunity for healing. While trauma wounds and changes us, healing does, too. Don’t allow yourself to become defined by the narrative of devastation, reframe this difficult time as a real opportunity for growth.

The World: Knight of Pentacles 

The Knight of Pentacles represents the heady action of a young, bold knight who is centered and grounded in his approach. His restless energy is spent endlessly pursuing the perfect implementation of his ideas. In this time of crisis, the world is bringing you this energy so you can begin to slowly rebuild on a firmer foundation. You may encounter someone embodying these traits who inspires you. 

Advice: Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands is creative, intense – and passionate. She brings joy and a ceaseless courageousness to her creative pursuits. Having the energy and confidence to pursue rebuilding yourself is a key element to both healing and growth is key to your recovery and growth following the 10 of Swords. 

Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Water signs are intuitive and emotionally in-tune and can connect and empathize on a deep level. 

You: The Hanged Man 

Many focus on the possibility of stagnation when seeing The Hanged Man, but the card is also about the clarity gained from stillness and surrender. It indicates a time of sacrifice, enlightenment, and quiet. You have been learning how to sublimate your desires and momentary whims to a greater vision and have been seeking answers within. You are able to see things from a new, enlivened point of view. 

The World: Page of Pentacles  

The Page of Pentacles brings a young, explorative energy to the Pentacles suit. It represents the power of exploring the possibilities. This is a time of new skills, new opportunities, and new connections that might enhance that new point of view that you have cultivated with the energy of The Hanged Man. It encourages you to realize that there is a way to be both a dreamer and practical.

Advice: 9 of Pentacles

The 9 of Pentacles represents a moment of enjoying your achievements. It’s bliss brought forth through the satisfaction of a job well done – spiritually, physically, or mentally. It’s time to enjoy what you’ve learned and to delight in the milestones you’ve achieved. You have earned a time of security and stability and can confidently apply the lessons and new outlook you’ve achieved.

Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Intellectual and free spirited, air signs are often able to see things in a way that others can’t. 

You: 4 of Wands   

The 4 of Wands is a time of communal celebration – for accomplishment, prosperity, or recent completion. Celebrations depicted on the card are often life milestones (which is why it’s associated with weddings). It indicates an ability to celebrate and acknowledge the simple things and moments that make life exceptional. Regardless of the exact reason, it shows that you have integrated large lessons into your consciousness. It’s a time to enjoy that abundance. 

The World: Knight of Cups  

The Knight of Cups is the classic romantic archetype.Intuitive and in touch with his emotions and his softer side, this may be a sign of someone with these aspects within your life, or that you will come to embody it. After embracing the celebration of a milestone achieved, it’s an indicator to allow yourself to feel that love a bit more and to take the deep inspiration that you feel and pour it into your world.

Advice: Strength

Strength isn’t about physical strength. It’s about the ability to tumble with the wild self within.The Strength card demonstrates that our best strides forward are taken with a gentle approach –  that facing an adversary from a place of love and compassion is best. It is our inner determination, resolve, and higher self that ultimately propels us forward. You are in a stable enough place to be vulnerable and take your inner strength to the next level.