At 80, Here’s How To Avoid Regret, According To Your Zodiac
Aries – Slow Down & Enjoy The Small Moments
Aries individuals are ambitious and big dreamers. In between killing it at work or going after that big project, take the time to slow down and enjoy the little moments of your day, especially the ones with your significant other or your children. The little moments are what make up our lives and if you are too busy trying to get ahead career wise you may miss out on them.
Taurus – Save & Invest
Knowing that you have a solid financial plan in place and a growing portfolio of investments can provide peace of mind and reduce financial stress. Long-term saving and investing create a sense of financial security and confidence in your ability to achieve your long-term financial goals. It will also allow you to give your children & future generations a good financial foundation, passing down the generational wealth.
Gemini – Develop A Relationship With Yourself
Geminis are notorious for being chatty and social. Developing a relationship with yourself and spending time alone will be beneficial for you long term. Research suggests that self-awareness and self-compassion are associated with better physical and mental health outcomes, including reduced stress, anxiety, depression, and improved overall well-being. Taking care of your mental and emotional needs through self-care practices is an essential aspect of developing a healthy relationship with yourself.
Cancer – Have Hard Conversations
When interviewing the elderly on what their biggest regret in life is, most answer saying they wish they were more honest. Think of the Mitch Albom quote: “nothing haunts us like the things we don’t say”. Never leave things left unsaid. Life is too short to not be honest about how we are feeling, and it’s better to be embarrassed than to regret not letting someone know how you feel.
Leo – Read As Many Books As Possible
Books are distilled wisdom, and the more you read, the more you konw. Reading keeps your brain active and healthy, which will keep you sharp even as you get older. Reading gives you endless things to talk about and think about as well. Exposing oneself to diverse ideas, genres, and writing styles through reading fosters mental flexibility, creativity, and problem-solving skills.
Virgo – Less Screen Time
Have you seen those images of what humans are predicted to look like in the future from being on our phones and computers so often? Yikes, right? Decreased screen time reduces the risk of poor posture and musculoskeletal issues associated with prolonged sitting and screen use. It encourages individuals to adopt ergonomic habits, take breaks, and engage in physical activities that support posture and mobility. It’s also much easier on your eyes as the screen strains them. Less screen time will lead to better eye health in the long run.
Libra – Develop A Regular Exercise Routine
Engaging in regular exercise is associated with a longer lifespan, improved vitality, and overall quality of life. It enhances physical function, independence, and well-being as individuals age. Regular exercise also strengthens the heart muscle, improves circulation, and lowers blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular conditions which typically plague people as we age.
Scorpio – Cultivate Healthy Eating Habits
Adopting a healthy diet is associated with a longer lifespan and improved overall quality of life. It supports vitality, physical function, mobility, and independence as individuals age. Certain nutrients found in fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats, such as vitamins A, C, E, and omega-3 fatty acids, promote skin health, elasticity, and hydration. A healthy diet may reduce premature aging, which will have you always looking vibrant.
Sagittarius – Prioritize Time With Family
Sagittarians are known for being adventurous and having a serious case of the travel bug. Don’t spend too much of your life traveling and going off on adventures to the point where you are missing big moments with your family and loved ones. Life is about balance, make sure you are not neglecting those who care about you to appease your adventurous spirit.
Capricorn – Focus On The Quality & Quantity Of Sleep
Getting a good quality of sleep along with sufficient amount of hours helps protect your brain and body from disease. Getting enough sleep contributes to an improved quality of life by promoting physical, mental, and emotional health. It enhances overall vitality, happiness, and life satisfaction.
Aquarius – Meditate & Practice Breath Work
These are cheat codes to managing your stress, emotions, and reactions to events. The less you stress, the less harm you do to your body, therefore giving yourself longevity. You will live a much longer and more harmonious life once you tackle this.
Pisces – Don’t Compare Yourself To Others
Comparing yourself to others is wasted energy. You only get to be this age once in your life, so learn to love your uniqueness. When you get older you’ll feel silly for taking joy away from yourself this way. As we age we start to realize our value lies more in how kind we are and how beautiful our hearts are.