Erin Whitten
Meet Erin Whitten, resident Taurus and astrology expert keeping her followers in the know with a mix of cosmic insight and humor since 2015. For a fresh, down-to-earth take on how astrology really informs love, growth, and everyday life, check out Erin’s content on her website, or follow her on Instagram. Check out her debut astrology book Stardust To Soul Speak: Uncovering Messages from the Universe That Were Meant For You here!
8 Questions with
Erin Whitten
Where do you draw inspiration from?
It varies from subject to subject, but mostly observing behaviors from relationships in my life, research because I love to learn, and cute memes.
You’re hosting a dinner party this Friday and can invite five people. The catch: These diners can be anyone, dead or alive. You also don’t need to know them IRL. That said, who are you having over?
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Carrie Fisher, Weird Al, Anthony Bourdain, Chris Evans
What was the last thing you read that moved you?
This quote. ““We must reject not only the stereotypes that others hold of us, but also the stereotypes that we hold of ourselves.” – Shirley Chisholm
If AIM was still A Thing, what would your away message be?
dhmu, hanging with my cat xo
What would the title of your memoir be?
Embracing EW: A Memoir Of Self-Acceptance, because my initials are E.W. and I own that novelty about myself.
How would your best friend describe you?
Extra. I’m extra loving, extra anxious, extra dramatic…but that’s why she keeps me around! (I’m a good time)
Favorite word, and why?
Valid, because it’s versatile. Like I could say “valid point”, if I’m losing an argument, or “you are valid” if my friend is sad.
If you could give one piece of advice to everyone in the world, what would you say?
If anybody seems perfect, they’re just good actors. Everybody has some sort of baggage, but it’s truly what you make of the beautiful disaster we call life!
Zodiac Big Three:
Taurus sun, Sagittarius moon, and Cancer rising
Current Era:
Work Hard, Play With My Cat Harder
User (Or Not) Of Oxford Comma:
absolutely, 100%
Favorite Emoji:
Articles by
Erin Whitten

4 Zodiacs Who Are Impossible To Read When It Comes To Love

5 Zodiacs Who Demand Loyalty Before Opening Their Hearts

4 Zodiacs Who Must Move Forward Mindfully This March

The Brutal Truth You Need To Hear About Your Relationship Based on Your Zodiac Sign

3 Zodiacs Encountering Fated Wisdom This March

The 4 Most Difficult Zodiac Signs To Satisfy In Relationships

How Each Zodiac Should Spend Their Super Bowl Sunday

3 Zodiacs Who Didn’t Even Know (Or Care) That Super Bowl 2025 Is Sunday, February 9

3 Zodiacs That Love Stirring Up Drama (But Should Avoid It In 2025)