Careeer Tarot Predictions For February, Based On Zodiac Sign
What’s in store for your career life this February? Read on for your zodiac sign.
Aries: Knight of Swords
Slow your roll! Being rushed or hurried in your approach will not build sustainable, reliable results. Your career life requires moderation, balance, and mindfulness.
Taurus: Nine of Swords
You must honor your worry and anxiety this month but find ways to cope with the unknown. Although you may have reasonable reasons to be concerned, your faith will be invaluable in motivating you to keep trying.
Gemini: Knight of Wands
You’re charging headfirst into new horizons, but your approach is imbalanced. This month, ask yourself to take your time and learn how to prepare for the leadership positions and success you crave.
Cancer: Two of Pentacles
You’re finding a sweet spot in your career life this month. Work-life balance is vital, as you’re called to practice moderation. Juggling all of your professional responsibilities seems to come naturally to you.
Leo: Queen of Cups
You’re finding emotional fulfillment this month. Your career life will bring you uplifting, rewarding tasks that make you feel like you’re making a difference. Those you work with will be supportive and provide comfort.
Virgo: Nine of Cups
Wishes come true for Virgo this month. Your career life reaches peak milestones that are worthy of celebration! Take in this moment you once prayed for.
Libra: Four of Pentacles
Holding onto your comfort zone isn’t the best idea this month. It’s time to let loose and venture out into the unknown. Clinging to every penny, stagnant work conditions, or anxiously attaching yourself to an outcome will not lead to success.
Scorpio: Queen of Swords
You’re seeking clear, precise, direct insight into your career life. This is a great time to learn new skills, seek a mentor, and educate yourself. Don’t wait for the answers to find you. Seek them. Communication is of the essence with those you’re working with.
Sagittarius: Two of Swords
It’s time to stop digging your head in the sand. If something feels off about your career life, it must be addressed. It’s okay to make a decision, even without having all of the facts. Make moves based on your inner knowing.
Capricorn: Queen of Wands
This month provides you with clear intentions. Your gut instincts are strong, urging you to act before doubt can creep in. Trust the loud voice within that craves autonomy, agency, and independence in your career life.
Aquarius: The Heirophant
Aquarius, you are known for innovating, but this month is about following the well-traveled path. Don’t bend the rules that aren’t meant to be broken. A systemic approach will work best.
Pisces: Ten of Wands Reversed
It’s time to stop carrying so many burdens on your shoulders. You may have hit your burnout point, and that’s okay. Rather than taking on new tasks this month, ensure you get rid of or complete lingering projects, tasks, or responsibilities first.