Here's A Hard Truth: You Might Never Stop Missing Them
Brooke Cagle

Here’s A Hard Truth: You Might Never Stop Missing Them

You might never stop missing them because they mattered to you once upon a time. They were an important part of your world, of your transformation, of your growth. You might never stop missing them because they made a huge emotional impact on you. They made you laugh, made you cry. They gave you memories, both good and bad. They played a pivotal role in a year or two or ten of your life. You’re never going to forget them, no matter how much you wish their image would go away.

You might never stop missing them – but missing them is going to get easier every single day. There are going to be weeks when their face doesn’t pop into your mind at all. There are going to be moments when you hear their name and don’t automatically think of them. There are going to be times when you genuinely couldn’t care less about what they’re up to or who they’re dating because you’re busy with your own world, a world that you’re happy to call your own even though they aren’t in it any longer.

Some days, you’re going to be relieved that they aren’t around anymore. Some days, you aren’t going to have any emotion at all because they will be irrelevant to you. They won’t be a blip on your radar. But on other days, you’re going to feel that familiar ache in your heart. You’re going to think about the fun times you shared and wish you could rewind, wish you could send them a text and have everything return to the way that it was. Some days, you’re going to feel like all of your hard work went out the window because you can’t get them off your mind, you can’t stop yourself from checking in on them online, you can’t stop yourself from missing them and the beautiful moments you’ve shared.

But missing them today doesn’t mean all of your progress from yesterday was erased. Your feelings about them aren’t going to be exactly the same every single day. Some days, you’re going to miss them. You’re going to struggle to keep your phone down and avoid texting them. Other days, you’re going to be completely fine living without them. You’re not even going to think about them a single time. Your feelings can change on a dime – and that’s okay. That’s natural when someone was a major part of your life and then leaves.

Don’t get frustrated on the days when you randomly start missing them. Don’t jump to conclusions and assume that this must mean you aren’t one hundred percent over them and need to give them another shot. You might never get over them completely. There might always be a piece of you that misses them. But if you’re happy in this new place without them, if you’re living a life that makes you feel fulfilled, it doesn’t matter if you miss them from time to time. You’re exactly where you’re meant to be, even though they aren’t with you.