Elijah O'Donnell

Horoscope — Big Life Shifts For Virgo In September 2023

Diligent and detail-oriented Virgo, you’re set to thrive this September (especially if this month is your birth month). The cosmos is definitely turning tides in your favor, setting the stage for progress, some extra energy, and unexpected good luck. Here’s a deep dive into the astrological good news for you this month, Virgo.

One of the most anticipated celestial events of September is Mercury, Virgo’s ruling planet, transitioning out of its retrograde on the 15th. This shift is significant, as Mercury’s retrograde often slows things down, causing disruptions, misunderstandings, and technological glitches. 

You might have been feeling the effects of Mercury’s retrograde especially hard, Virgo. Mercury is your ruling planet, so everything that you do best – show up on time, communicate, stay organized – may have been feeling difficult lately. 

The good news? As Mercury stations direct in Virgo, it ushers in clarity, enhanced communication, and renewed momentum. Virgos everywhere will feel a cosmic weight lifting, as tasks that previously felt stagnant or cumbersome suddenly find their flow.

Another cause for celebration for you, Virgo; the same day that Mercury finally pulls itself out of retrograde comes September’s New Moon. This is the turning of a new leaf that happens every month; combined with Mercury leaving retrograde, however, will make it extra powerful for you, Virgo.

The New Moon typically brings about new energy and the opportunity for new beginnings. You might find yourself feeling more clarity about decisions you’ve been struggling to make. You may also find yourself working harder and feeling more energetic. 

For you, Virgo, the New Moon will also bring about the opportunity to set new goals for your future. With Mercury out of retrograde, it will be the right time to focus on positive personal growth.

Virgos with birthdays after the retrograde – particularly those close to the New Moon, from September 14th to September 20th – may receive some extra power from planets this month. If you’re a Virgo with a birthday during this time, you’re likely to find new professional or personal opportunities available to you as a result of your hard work.

Virgo, September 2023 is your time to shine. The planets are moving, the stars are aligning, and the cosmos seems intent on ensuring your journey this month is not just smooth, but also rewarding. Tap into your natural Virgo efficiency and watch as the universe mirrors back your efforts with abundance and positivity. Here’s to a September filled with celebrations, both of the celestial and earthly kind!