How Each Zodiac Sign Can Make The Most Of 11/22/22
If you’re someone who feels a certain energy or the need to make a wish when the clock reads 11:11, find yourself seeing the same set of repetitive numbers wherever you go, or hold tight to the belief that numbers hold significant spiritual importance (such as the number 7 in the Bible), then you might be familiar with the concept of angel numbers and numerology.
Numerology is the idea that certain numbers carry a particular energy or distinct meaning in the universe (and, in some ways, a spiritual level). Groups of numbers can show up anywhere—clocks, license plates, and specific dates are a few examples. Additionally, if you’re a person who consistently sees the same groupings of numbers (think 111, 222, 444, etc.), you might be seeing what’s known as your “angel numbers.”
Naturally, when dates in a calendar year hold repeating digits, it’s easy to wonder about their significance or what meaning they might hold. In the case of 11/22/22, the focus is mostly surrounding concepts of self-development, taking action, and turning big dreams into a reality (with potentially the help of the community).
The combination of the numbers 1122 is tied in with the idea of creation and inspiration for new ideas and dreams. Additionally, the grouping of the 222 is associated with ideas of community, self-growth, and harmony with those in your life. With these things in mind, 11/22/22 is shaping up to be a day that can cause a significant shift for so many if they are willing to embrace it. (It’s also worth noting that this date kicks off the start of Sagittarius season, a sign that rules mastership, discovery, and expansion).
So how does one take advantage of a day so full of promise? Check out your zodiac sign below to get an idea of how you can make the most of 11/22/22.
Your confidence is an asset, but it’s important to remember how much of the world you’ve yet to learn about or discover. This is the time to embrace those hobbies or new interests that you’ve toyed around with in your mind but haven’t taken the time to pursue. Set aside time to start this process in the days leading up to the date, because you’ll be surprised at the doors that open when you expand your mind and perspective outside of what you already know.
Despite your stubbornness, there is part of you that knows that making your dreams and desires come alive involves the help and support of others. Take the time to have important conversations about your goals with those closest to you, particularly if your pursuit of those dreams will directly affect them (a partner or spouse, a business partner you share finances with, etc.). You’re resilient, but everyone needs support—so lean into it.
While your social nature is far from a secret, there has to be more than a superficial connection—something you’ve been thinking about more lately. Your hopes, dreams, and goals for your relationships—regardless of their nature—deserve attention and action, so don’t hold back. Sharing with those closest to you what you want and what your expectations are will go a long way in fostering the growth and intimacy you’ve been longing for. And when you have that type of love and care in your life, there really isn’t much that can stop you.
Taking care of yourself is never a waste of time—but setting boundaries and prioritizing your mental health can be easier said than done. Ask for support from the people who love you and actually put strategies and healthier habits into action. If you’ve been looking for motivation, today is the day to channel that energy and actually go for it.
Be open to the inspiration and creativity that comes with connection with others during this time. While your passions and desires are taking shape in new ways, it’s also a time to embrace collaboration and understanding from the people around you. This is a great day to start work on a new project or share what you’ve been working on with someone else to make it come alive in ways that you couldn’t have imagined on your own.
Sometimes personal growth is about knowing when to take a break, which is easier said than done, I know. Yet the reality is that allowing yourself to be cared for and resting can be more beneficial than trying to check 17 things off your to-do list. Don’t be afraid to let others support you and be there for you today—you’re not lazy for taking this time for yourself.
Today is a great day to take a small trip with your chosen family/close friends—even if that trip is just to your favorite coffee shop down the road. There is always more to learn and understand about the people who keep close to you, and while you may know them well, spend today being more intentional about what’s happening in their lives and being honest about what’s happening in yours. You never know what you might discover about people, even those you feel you know inside and out.
Don’t be afraid to ask for what you need today. Asking for help is hard, especially if you are one to keep things to yourself. Yet this is a day to be vulnerable with your trusted circle—the people who know you will see your heart and not think less of you for admitting you need support and resources. In fact, it will likely allow them to see a side of you they never have before.
Not everything has to filter through the opinions of others, but that doesn’t mean you have to rock the boat, either. Today is a good day to get in touch with your emotions, your dreams, and your goals for the future—where and who do you want to be? What will it take to get there? Spend some time alone processing these feelings and then meet up with some friends later on to talk about it—it may be a day that reveals more about yourself than you expected.
Dealing with hurt and past trauma isn’t easy, but today is a day for healing. Sit with your feelings and be gentle with yourself today—and give yourself credit for how far you’ve come. Journaling and paying attention to any dreams you had the night before may open up some unexpected realizations for you that are worth taking note of. Just don’t be afraid to face the difficult aspects—you’re going to work through it.
Take the time to check in or get together with your friends today, Aquarius. You have people who support and care for you, even if you don’t like to admit it. It’s a good day to reconnect with those you’ve been distant from—sometimes, the people we love help bring us back to ourselves, and we all need that reminder once in a while.
You are allowed to dream big, even if the world is trying to tell you otherwise. So actually flesh out those goals today—make plans, talk them out, and act as if they are going to take place tomorrow. Share them with your friends and family, and don’t hold yourself back. If you’ve been sitting on some plans, today is the day to take the first step—apply for that job, pitch that idea, and get the ball rolling. The only person stopping you right now is you.