How Mercury Retrograde Will Ruin Your May, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Ah, Mercury retrograde. Until May 14th, 2023, Mercury is in Taurus, the sign of pragmatism, patience, stubbornness, and resourcefulness. This transit is about reworking things and making slow, but successful, progress. However, this is going to be a difficult time for some – or most – people.

This is how Mercury Retrograde will ruin your May:


You may need to be patient with others who are not on the same page as you and not allow yourself to get so angry so quickly. There are some communication issues and misunderstandings, so be ready for that.


Seeing that this retrograde is in your sign, you’re feeling it. You might be feeling a bit overwhelmed when it comes to your identity and how you express yourself. This time is showing you how difficult (yet important) it is to stop relying on others for validation.


Since you are ruled by Mercury, you feel the effects of this retrograde more than most people. You’re taking a journey within during this transit, facing your emotional baggage and dealing with some unresolved issues.


Retrograde always brings back people from the past, and you’ll find that during this time, you are reconnecting with them. It will cause you to reevaluate the people you know and the lessons you’ve learned — and that will be very emotionally draining.


Since retrograde started, you’ve been feeling a lack of inspiration and passion. Take a step back and reevaluate your goals and be more direct and clear about the things you want. If not, you’re going to remain stuck. This feeling of “blah” will pass…eventually.


Being ruled by Mercury means you feel this retrograde more than others. In fact, this transit is really keeping you on your toes. You’re feeling quite lost and overwhelmed while searching for a deeper meaning and personal growth. Although you’re ready for it to be over, you’ll come out better in the end.


Mercury retrograde could affect your personal relationships. The misunderstandings and conflicts with loved ones are making the passive-aggressive side of you come out. You’re having a hard time remembering the importance of letting go of what you’ve outgrown.


You’re doing a deep dive into your relationships during this time. You’ll find that a lot of heartbreak and trauma might be coming to the surface. You’re closing old chapters and letting go and making space for the people who are meant to be in your life.


Right now you’re taking a look at your life and your (bad) habits. You’re acknowledging the parts of you that need a little more TLC and admitting when something isn’t working for you anymore. It’s tough to get yourself out of a bad habit, but you can do it. Keep going.


You’re feeling nostalgic during this time, thinking a lot about a recent breakup. It’s complicated and confusing — you’re sad but you also know that it was for the best. You’re trying to reframe your mindset and stop being cynical about love and be more hopeful about what the future brings.


This retrograde is causing you to focus on your roots. Life has been busy lately and you’ve neglected your home life. Too much laundry, unreturned calls to family and friends, and an apartment that needs a deep clean. You need to focus on these things or else it will just get worse and hinder your growth.


Mercury retrograde could impact your home life and relationships. There will be miscommunications and conflicts with loved ones. Don’t jump to conclusions and don’t assume that you’re always right. Be patient and be willing to compromise.