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How The Law Of Assumption Can Help You Manifest Your Vision Board Into Reality

No doubt you’ve heard of the Law of Attraction, but have you heard of its sister, the Law of Assumption?

The Law of Assumption is very much a complimentary Universal Law to the Law of Attraction, but you might be asking yourself: What is it and, more importantly, how does it help me manifest an overflowing bank balance, my soulmate and my dream job?

Let’s dig a little deeper.

The Law of Assumption is based on the idea that we create our own reality through our thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions. In other words, what we assume to be true becomes our reality.

This concept may seem simple, but it requires a shift in mindset. It’s easy to get caught up in the belief that we need to have something external in order to feel happy or fulfilled. But the Law of Assumption challenges us to let go of that attachment and instead focus on embodying the feeling of already having what we want. 

Have you ever noticed that when you believe something to be true, you tend to see evidence of it everywhere?

For example, if you believe that people are generally kind and friendly, you’re more likely to notice acts of kindness and friendliness around you. On the other hand, if you believe that people are rude and selfish, you’re more likely to notice negative behavior and interactions.

This is because our beliefs and assumptions create a filter through which we perceive the world. And the Law of Assumption takes this one step further by suggesting that not only do our beliefs and assumptions shape our perceptions, but they also shape our actual reality.

So, how can you use the Law of Assumption to manifest your dreams? Well, it’s all about choosing your assumptions consciously and intentionally. Instead of assuming the worst-case scenario or assuming that your dreams are impossible, start assuming the best-case scenario, and assume that your dreams are within reach.

Think of it as the best possible “what if?” What if it all worked out? What if I manifest my dream job with ease? What if my soulmate is looking for me too?

Let’s say you’re trying to manifest a new job. Instead of assuming that the job market is tough or assuming that you’re not qualified enough, start assuming that the perfect job is out there for you and that you’re exactly the right person for the role. This will change the way you approach your job search and will also change the way you present yourself in interviews.

Or let’s say you’re trying to manifest a romantic partner. Instead of assuming that all the good ones are taken or assuming that you’re not attractive enough, start assuming that the perfect partner is out there for you and that you’re ready to receive love. This will change the way you interact with potential partners and will also change the way you feel about yourself.

The key here is to choose assumptions that feel good to you and that align with the reality you want to create. When you assume the best, you start to see evidence of it everywhere, and your reality starts to shift to match your assumptions.

Here are a few practical steps you can take to integrate the Law of Assumption into your manifestation practice:

1. Identify what you truly desire. Get clear on what you want to manifest, and then ask yourself: How would it feel to already have it? What emotions would I experience? How would my life be different?

2. Assume the feeling of your wish being fulfilled. Once you’ve identified the emotions associated with your desired outcome, start practicing feeling those emotions on a daily basis. Visualize yourself already having what you want and allow yourself to fully experience the joy and excitement that comes with it.

3. Release attachment to the outcome. This is perhaps the most challenging part of the Law of Assumption. It requires us to let go of our attachment to the outcome and trust that the universe will bring us what we truly desire. Remember, the more we cling to a specific outcome, the more resistance we create and the harder it becomes to manifest what we want.

Incorporating the Law of Assumption has the power to completely transform your manifestation process. By focusing on the feeling of already having what you want, you create a vibrational frequency that aligns with your desires and draws them towards you. This Law might just be the missing piece you need to unlock your full manifesting potential—are you ready to try it?