How To Connect To Your Third Eye
There are 7 Chakras in each of our bodies. Chakras are the energy points that run from the base of our spine all the way up to the crown area of the head. However, the one that is the most talked about is the Third Eye.
The Third Eye is the 6th Chakra, located on the forehead, near the brow line. It is represented by the color indigo and symbolizes clarity, imagination, psychic abilities, intuition, and spiritual perception. According to experts, when you connect to your Third Eye, you feel mental clarity, heightened intuition, clear self-expression, and a sense of bliss.
When your Third Eye is blocked, you might experience headaches or migraines, vision problems, feeling lost or stuck, and a lack of imagination. When your Third Eye is unblocked and balanced, you will feel more creative, more focused, more intuitive, and more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
Here are some things you can do to connect to and balance your Third Eye Chakra:
Find a quiet, comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed. Lie down in a relaxed position. If you have noise-canceling headphones, maybe put those on and listen to soft instrumental, meditation music.
Close your eyes and take a big, deep breath. Bring your attention to the area between your eyebrows. This is where your Third Eye is located. Imagine a deep indigo or purple light in this area. Visualize this light growing brighter and brighter.
Keep breathing as you do this. Slow breaths. Deep breaths. Focus on the breath entering and leaving your body. In fact, imagine a purple cloud of smoke entering and leaving your body, specifically in your Third Eye center.
Not only is it important to be mindful and present in the moment when you’re doing yoga and meditation, but also in your everyday activities. Pay attention to your senses. Pay attention to your body. Trust your gut feelings and intuition. Developing awareness of your body is far from easy, but with practice, you will get there.
There are certain yoga poses that are beneficial for stimulating energy and balancing your Third Eye Chakra. Try Child’s Pose, Downward Dog, Plow Pose, and Supported Shoulder Pose. Remember that while you’re doing these poses breathe and find presence in your body.
Mantras and Affirmations.
When you’re practicing this meditation and breathwork, try chanting “om.” Doing this can help activate and balance the energy.
You can also repeat the following affirmations to yourself:
“I trust my intuition.”
“I am connected to my purpose and to my true path.”
“I have a healthy mind.”
“I hear my inner voice.”
“I embody my spiritual gifts.”
Crystals and Essential Oils.
When you’re meditating or doing yoga, it wouldn’t hurt to diffuse some essential oils, like Rosemary, Clary Sage, Lemongrass, and Patchouli. It also would be beneficial to use crystals, like Amethyst, Clear Quartz, and Lapis Lazuli: hold them on your Third Eye during meditation to amplify your intuition.
Dream Journaling.
The Third Eye represents our dreams, intuition, and imagination. So what better way to connect to this Chakra than by dream journaling?
Diffuse some essential oils, place your crystals around you, listen to high-frequency, relaxing music, and get a journal specifically for writing down your dreams. When you wake up in the morning, try writing all you remember from last night’s dream. You might not always remember the entire thing and you might forget bits and pieces. It might not always make sense, but it still might contain some messages from your subconscious and your higher self.
Practicing Gratitude.
Sometimes it’s incredibly difficult to be grateful for all that we have without still wanting more. But when you practice this gratitude technique, you will evidently attract more. Gratitude is the act of recognizing and being appreciative of the good in your life, regardless of how small or big they are. Not only is gratitude a great way to manifest more, but it’s also a great way to connect deeper to your intuition and subconscious.
Healthy Diet/Avoiding Toxic Substances.
What you consume in your body is evidently going to affect your health one way or another. Avoid toxic substances (alcohol and recreational drugs), as they can cloud your mind and intuitive abilities. Consume foods that are rich in nutrients and support brain health, like kale, spinach, blueberries, blackberries, sunflower seeds, walnuts, almonds, dark chocolate, and fish.
Connect with Nature.
Nature has a way of grounding us. Mother Nature knows how to connect us with our inner selves and the energies of the Universe, so if you want to connect to your Higher Self and your Third Eye, spend time in nature. Go outside and meditate or journal, and just actively be present in the space around you.
Seek Guidance.
If you want to reach another level of connecting to your Third Eye, consider seeking guidance from experienced spiritual teachers. Energy healers and mentors like them can provide personalized techniques for you.