Juliana Stein

How To Invite More Magic Into Your Life, Based On Your Zodiac + Tarot


Your Card: King of Cups

Lean more into what your heart is telling you. Feel your way through as you move. There are situations in life where you shouldn’t rely so much on what your mind is telling you, but rather your instincts.. Trust in your intuition, Aries. The King of Cups also encourages you to practice emotional intelligence. Instead of reacting impulsively, think about how your words and actions affect not only you, but those around you. Practice patience. Accepting that there are circumstances beyond your control will give you peace, as well as appreciation for your blessings, like the people in your life who you value deeply. Nurture those connections. 


Your Card: The Tower, reversed

Accepting that nothing can really stay the same forever would invite so much more abundance and magic into your life. As the fixed earth sign of the zodiac, you find comfort in familiarity and safety, even to your own detriment. Be more open to embracing the unknown, Taurus. Try new. Try different. Let go of the things you have to work so hard to preserve. Question if they’re truly meant for you—if there could be more out there for you. Love, goals, career, dreams, relationships—these are all things that are ever evolving. Don’t be afraid to burn it all down when it’s no longer in alignment with you. You can always rebuild. 


Your Card: The Sun, reversed

Stop placing your energy into things in which you don’t find meaning. Stop directing your efforts into what doesn’t bring you joy. Make more room for the things that light you up. If you want to invite more magic into your life, then nurture more of that fire and those passions. Carve out time for grounding and recentering whenever you start to feel like you’re becoming disconnected with yourself. Let go of any people, emotions, beliefs, habits, or thought patterns that hinder your growth or dim your light. Release your spiritual and creative blocks. 


Your Card: King of Wands

Be more bold, Cancer! Move with self-confidence and self-assuredness. Believe in yourself and in your vision. Take control in your own life and stop being afraid of stepping into your power. Assert yourself more. Don’t be afraid to express your thoughts, ideas, and emotions. Stop waiting for life to happen to you, and go out there and create it. Be persistent and fearless when it comes to pursuing your ambitions. Stop denying yourself your desires. You want it? Go after it. You’re the only thing standing in your way. The King of Wands also advises to implement more creativity into your life. 


Your Card: The Star

Within you lies all the power you need for your happiness and fulfillment. Stop letting past heartache and trauma dictate how your life goes today and tomorrow. The inspiration, beauty, and possibilities in this world are everywhere. Are you willing to open up your eyes and find them? Don’t let anything that came before rob you of your fire. Trust that the Universe is always watching out for you and that things will work out the way they’re meant to. Look up to the bright lights twinkling in the sky when you need to be reminded that there’s always hope for a better future.


Your Card: Queen of Wands, reversed

Stop doubting yourself and embrace your full power, Virgo. You have so much potential and are capable of so many extraordinary things. Find the root of your insecurity and self-doubt, uproot it, and throw it in the garbage. Learn how to silence the unkind thoughts you have of yourself and replace them with positive self-talk. Be your biggest hype man. Tap into your magnetism and individuality, and wield those things to accomplish your desires. Trust that you have what it takes. Be honest with yourself about what truly lights you up, and start incorporating more of those things into your life. Make more room for magic in your life by prioritizing what you find meaningful. 


Your Card: Seven of Wands, reversed

If you want to invite more magic into your life, then you have to start living for yourself—and no one but yourself. Stop caring about being liked and accepted. Stop succumbing to the status quo. Stop thinking about how the way you move might be perceived. Stop caring about those who would criticize you. Stop comparing yourself to other people. Be fully and authentically yourself. Express yourself freely in everything that you do—from the words that come out of your mouth, to the way you dress, to the things you prioritize. Life is so more magical and fulfilling when you give yourself the permission to be unapologetically you. 


Your Card: Page of Pentacles

In order to invite more magic into your life, then you need to start being more grounded and focused on what it is that you want to manifest and achieve. Nurture your sense of purpose. Pursue what makes you feel fulfilled. Prioritize what you find meaningful. Be devoted to those things you’re so passionate about. Learn more about them. Refine your skills. Let go of distractions and don’t allow yourself to lose sight of what’s important. Be confident and remain steadfast that you have all it takes to succeed. Don’t let challenges or obstacles dissuade you from the path you’re on. Do all these things, but maintain a balanced life in which you also take time to take care of your well-being. 


Your Card: Seven of Pentacles, reversed

If you want to make room for more beautiful and magical things in your life, then you need to start being mindful of where you invest your resources. Don’t waste your energy on things which you don’t find meaningful. Stop placing your efforts into what no longer feels in alignment with you—career, relationships, goals. You can always change your dreams, your desires, your path. If something doesn’t make you feel fulfilled, then let it go. Start striving for the things that do make you happy. You don’t have to stick with something just because it’s what you always had planned for yourself. 


Your Card: Ace of Swords

You can’t have more magic in your life, unless you’re willing to chase clarity and the honest truth, even when it’s harsh. Do you truly want to go on living a fantasy? There are certain situations in which it would benefit you to leave your emotions out of it. Don’t think about what you’d like to be true, but look at the facts. It may not be what you or others want to hear, but it’s necessary for growth and for bringing you closer to what’s meant for you. Be direct. Communicate well with others. Be transparent. Ask for that transparency back. Don’t project your desires onto other people. Live in the truth. Only then can you welcome beautiful and authentic things into your world. 


Your Card: Four of Wands, reversed

Aquarius, you should leave spaces that don’t make you feel accepted, loved, and welcomed. Don’t dim yourself down or hide who you are just because others might find it “weird” or “different.” You don’t follow tradition or live a conventional life, and you shouldn’t have to apologize for that. Don’t emotionally invest in people who don’t appreciate your quirks and eccentricity. Be authentically and unapologetically yourself. Make room for people who make you feel seen. Let go of your need to explain your choices, your life, your path to others—including family. 


Your Card: Temperance

You deserve all the beauty, abundance, and magic in the world. In order to attract more of that, you need to cultivate more balance and harmony in your life. Think in terms of long-term stability. Be mindful of your decisions and actions. Let go of the things that drain you mentally and emotionally—relationships, situations, jobs, goals no longer in alignment with the life you desire. Then, learn to go more with the flow. Trust that the Universe is conspiring in your favor. Practice patience on the road to where you’re supposed to be.