5 Ways To Lose The Girl Who Loves Her Work
Brittani Burns

How To Lose The Girl Who Loves Her Career

You’re going to lose her if you make her choose between the relationship and her career. If you act like she can’t have it all and needs to pick one over another. She deserves to be with someone who respects her passions and actively encourages them. Someone who knows she has what it takes to achieve her biggest dreams and doesn’t stand in the way or get jealous about the time that they could be spending together if she wasn’t so invested in a certain passion. She deserves someone who wants to watch her grow and thrive, not someone who secretly hopes that she fails so they can have her all to themselves.

You’re going to lose her if you suffocate her with constant attention. If you want to spend every waking moment alongside her without any room for breaks. Even though she’ll be happy to spend quality time with you, she won’t have the mental (or physical) capacity to focus on you every second of every day. There are other things on her mind. She has responsibilities that need her attention. She has plans on her schedule that don’t involve you – and you need to be okay with that in order for a relationship to work. If you get jealous or mopey whenever she’s focused on something other than how much she loves you, then there are going to be a lot of issues. There are going to be conflicting interests.

You’re going to lose her if you act like her passions are beneath you. If you act like whatever you do for a living is so much more important than what she’s trying to achieve. She deserves someone who respects her and respects her work. Someone who sees the value in her talent. Someone who appreciates how much effort she puts in every single day. She isn’t going to settle for someone who belittles or demeans her, someone who assumes they are superior in every way. She deserves someone who shows her kindness and love in every way.

You’re going to lose her if you make her feel guilty about the fact that she’s more successful than you, or that she has a passion for something other than how much she loves you. She deserves to be with someone who admires her work ethic, someone who is proud of how far she’s come and can’t believe they’re lucky enough to have her. If you aren’t happy with the amount of time and energy she puts toward her passions, then the relationship is bound to fail. You can’t expect her to change for you – and you shouldn’t want her to do that. You should love her exactly the way she is. And if that’s not the case, it’s best to part ways.

You’re going to lose her if you aren’t excited to celebrate her wins alongside her. If you couldn’t care less when she comes home smiling about a new accomplishment. She deserves someone who is on her team. Someone who pops open champagne and is just as proud of her as she is of herself.