Thought Catalog Agency

How You Show Love, Based On Your Birth Order

Oldest Child

As the oldest child in the family, firstborns tend to be responsible, organized, and natural leaders. They are used to taking charge and may exhibit a more traditional approach to showing love. An eldest child might be more likely to express their love through acts of service, planning romantic dates, and offering support in times of need. They also have a strong desire for stability and commitment, making them reliable and devoted partners.

Middle Children

Middle children often grow up learning the art of negotiation and compromise. This makes them great communicators and empathetic partners in romantic relationships. They show their love by being understanding, supportive, and in tune with their partner’s feelings. Middle children might be more likely to express their love through quality time and deep conversations, prioritizing emotional connection and harmony.


Youngest siblings are often characterized as being outgoing, sociable, and adventurous. They always have a habit to be more spontaneous and playful in their approach to showing love. They surprise their partners with fun outings, creative gifts, or lighthearted jokes. In romantic relationships, they bring excitement and a sense of freedom, valuing novelty and shared experiences.


Twins often share a unique bond with each other, which can influence their romantic relationships. They have a heightened sense of empathy and be more attuned to their partner’s emotions, mirroring their own twin connection. Twins tend to show love through a strong sense of teamwork and loyalty, appreciating the value of a deep connection. They are also highly perceptive, understand their partner’s needs and desires, and prioritize emotional support.

Only Children

Only children, without siblings to compete or collaborate with, often develop a strong sense of independence and self-sufficiency. Only children tend to be more reserved in their expressions of love, preferring to show their affection through thoughtful gestures and meaningful actions. Only children place a high value on personal space and boundaries but also be deeply committed and attentive to their partner’s needs. In romantic relationships, they naturally seek balance and equality, appreciating the value of a partnership where both individuals can thrive.