Tamilles Esposito

If You Want An Earth Sign To Love You, Don’t Say These 5 Things

Are you crushing on a Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn? Then you need to know how to avoid upsetting them so they have the chance to fall in love with you! The zodiac signs are divided into four natural elements: fire, air, earth, and water. Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are the earth signs, and they have a great deal in common. Here’s what you need to know about earth signs so you can avoid offending them with these phrases. 

1. “Let’s Play It By Ear!”

Earth signs are known for being reliable, practical, and stable. They crave structure and would always prefer to have a plan than to wing it. On the positive side, this means you can count on them – earth signs are punctual and take commitments very seriously. On the other hand, they can be a bit rigid, and they don’t like playing things by ear. They’d rather have an appointment set in stone; their time is valuable, after all. Capricorns are particularly strict about plans and time constraints, whereas Tauruses and Virgos might be a bit more forgiving if you’re running a little late. 

2. “You’re So Boring!”

Being boring is an earth sign’s greatest insecurity. They are so steady and reliable that they may come off as dull when they’re really not! Taurus zodiac signs are down for anything, and Virgos will go with the flow (as long as you provide a reasonable explanation for your plans). Capricorns like to challenge themselves, so they are willing to step outside their comfort zones. Earth signs may not be the first ones to suggest the most exciting or unique ideas, but they will follow your lead if you want to try something new or different. 

3. “Just Let Me Vent; Don’t Offer Solutions!”

It’s not that earth signs are insensitive or unfeeling. In fact, they are very compassionate and will listen patiently to your problems. But don’t expect them not to offer solutions – they love to help and their practical, analytical minds automatically search for remedies to your complaints. They are happy to discuss your dilemma, but they have a hard time sitting back and letting you vent without figuring out a way to change things. And they are usually right – earth signs are great at giving advice because they can look at a situation objectively and determine a reasonable solution. 

4. “You’re So Judgmental!”

Yes, it’s true – most earth sign people are pretty judgmental. But it’s not always in an unkind or condescending way; they are usually just examining people and their surroundings to figure them out, like a scientist studying a fascinating subject under a microscope. They can be a bit tactless – a Virgo might inspect your outfit and say, “You need to tuck your shirt in,” when what they’re really thinking is, “Wow, that outfit looks great, everything is just perfect – and I think tucking in the shirt would take this look from a 10 to an 11.” But earth signs don’t sugarcoat anything, and their communication can be a bit abrupt and curt. They mean well, but their delivery is a little harsh. 

Go to an earth sign for an honest opinion rather than insincere flattery. Their critiques can come in handy, but they’re not the ones to approach when you’re feeling sensitive and need an ego boost. If you’re looking for someone to edit your paper, or to help you figure out why your business plan or decor scheme just isn’t working, an earth sign will tell you.

5. “Let’s Blow Off Work and Do Something Fun!”

There are plenty of signs that would love to hear this (fire and air signs, in particular). But earth signs take work very seriously and they strive to uphold their commitments. You won’t catch a Capricorn playing hooky or a Virgo canceling a conference for a concert. 

Don’t take it personally when an earth sign refuses to prioritize other plans over their career. Instead, appreciate their strong work ethic and dedication to their craft. Since they take work so seriously, you can figure out your earth sign’s passions from their job. For example, a Taurus may work in a restaurant because this zodiac sign loves food. So, instead of asking them to ditch work to go to lunch with you, plan a special picnic for your Taurus crush – and schedule it for after their shift ends.