Idy Tanndy

If You’re Going Through A Tough Situation, Know That It Gets Better

Life gets better when you learn how to embrace both good and bad. Life unfortunately doesn’t come with pure positivity. It brings us happiness alongside sadness, peace alongside chaos, abundance alongside scarcity. They all play a part to bring balance into us. Experiencing the beauty of both worlds will make you a better human being. So take the good with the bad and never be disappointed when life tries to bring you down because it’s meant to teach you something. Step back and look at the bigger picture. See what areas you need to improve on, the weaknesses that need to transition into strengths, and the fears you constantly struggle to face.

Life gets better when you accept where you are at the moment and have faith that it is not your destination but just a stop over to get certain lessons. As we are told often, life is not perfect. As cliché as it is, it is also the reality. You can’t have it all figured out. Life is not black and white and it doesn’t come with a manual. You will stumble, you will rise up, you will fall, and stand back up. There will be times where everything is great. You feel good, empowered and strong. But there are times where life surprises you with certain obstacles that sometimes it’s almost impossible to get back on track. But keep pressing on. Because being stuck in a negative mindset that life doesn’t get better but worse is not going to help you. It’s not a reverse psychology. You attract things based on what you believe. 

Life gets better when you learn how to break through a toxic cycle. Have you ever wondered why you go through the same things over and over again? It’s because you haven’t gotten the lesson that you are supposed to. You haven’t changed your attitude or approach when presented with challenges or heartbreaks. Sometimes we are so stubborn that we stick to our own old ways of handling things or even thinking that we are doing the right things. Learn how to change your mindset. Accept that you’re probably doing something that is making you stuck on this cycle. Ask yourself, what needs to change? 

Life gets better when you have enough faith that it will get better. As mentioned above, you attract what you believe to be true. It’s important to speak positivity into your life. To encourage yourself instead of throwing blame on it every single time you make a mistake or you fail at something. You are meant to fail—everyone is. Failure is not entirely a bad thing. In fact, every failure, when used properly, leads to success. Have faith that each time you fall, God stands behind you to help you get back on your feet and carry on. Hold on to hope that life is not always sad, painful, and lonely. Because life gets better when you trust that it will be. Life gets happier when you learn to appreciate the little things that actually bring you joy—whether a friend, a lover, family, your morning coffee, gym session, or even the sound of a bird humming. Surely you can name a few good things in your life. The fact that you are here, alive, breathing, and reading this article is one thing to be considered good, to be grateful for and happy about. Because as long as you live, life can always get better. As long as you live, there’s hope that you can make it better.