
I’m Slowly Learning How To Leave The Familiar Yet Unhealthy Patterns Behind

I’m slowly learning how to stop repeating the same old unhealthy patterns just because they feel familiar and comfortable, even if they’re not working for me. I’m slowly learning that just because I got used to something doesn’t mean it’s right for me. I’m slowly learning that it’s so much harder to stop myself from repeating a pattern than it is to start over because patterns, even the unhealthy ones, provide some level of familiarity and outcomes I’m prepared for. It’s like the same ending that I know exactly how to deal with, how to get over, and how to overcome. 

I’m slowly learning that sometimes what I’ve been conditioned to believe is exactly what I need to change to live a better life. I’m slowly learning that some of these patterns are aligned with the timid version of me, the version that didn’t believe I deserved more. I’m slowly learning that it’s not easy to go after what you want when you’ve been limiting yourself your whole life and thinking that you won’t be chosen or approved for something. I’m slowly learning that these patterns and cycles keep repeating themselves so I could change them. They’re the wake-up call I never knew I needed. 

I’m slowly learning that just because I didn’t experience something doesn’t mean I don’t deserve it, and I’m slowly learning that just because I got used to settling for something doesn’t mean it has to always be this way. I’m slowly learning that it’s time for me to ask for more and take bigger risks. It’s time for me to change the same old story that always ends in the same painful way. It’s time for me to start allowing more abundance, love, and success to flow into my life without feeling guilty about it.

It’s funny how you can block so many blessings from entering your life when you don’t believe that you deserve them or when you have been telling yourself that you can’t have them. It’s funny how sometimes you’re the only one standing between your wishes and your desires because you’re so attached to those patterns that keep you away from them. 

I’m slowly learning how to detach from all those unhealthy patterns because now I know that they are the ones holding me back. I’m slowly learning how to stop allowing half-hearted love into my life. I’m slowly learning how to stop settling for things that I don’t believe in or people who don’t appreciate me. I’m slowly learning how to stop allowing the things that hurt me to have power over me. I’m slowly learning how to take my power back because one of the unhealthiest patterns you could ever repeat is believing that you have no power or no say in how your life unfolds or who enters your life.

You have a say. You have the power, and I don’t care how familiar a pattern is, if it doesn’t elevate who you are as a person and if it doesn’t make your life better, it’s time to let it go. Forever.