Tan Danh

In This Moment, I Feel More Love Than I Believed I Ever Could

The last thing I remembered was his silken lips, the way they parted in an almost endearing act. His amiable yet smooth face as soft as a butterfly’s touch. The way he inclined his face towards me with a yearning, a longing only our mouths could understand. His parting lips opened the way the sky does, sincerely, eagerly, yet earnestly. In the tranquil and soft quietness, I could hear the combined thud of our hearts, and in our absolute intoxication of each other, there was completeness. His perfumed ambrosial scent consumed me into a drunkenness no sobriety could endure. We sat under the chill of petunias and their aromatic fruity scent could not dull the dizziness in my head. I melted as his fetching eyes steadied with my heartbeat, and I counted the thuds as our hearts synced to a rhythm unknown to us. The more I retreated, the faster the emotions thundered in, and instinctively I knew he had overtaken my fluttering heart. I gently pressed my hands against his warm grasp, and with a look of eternity capturing my gaze. There was a swelling hum of heaviness swirling around me, a tingling sensation I had not felt in almost five years. His lofty eyes had a glimmering boldness, one that aroused a passion of vibrancy of life inside of me. He felt as softly as outstretched hope that laid languid on the tip of daybreak. His presence warmed me as softly as early morning prayers with an array of healing, my heart’s predisposed medicine. And so, love had a unique way of welcoming me into the light again, with the hush of his voice caressing my ears. Today I feel love more than I believed I could ever have.