Tatiana Twinslol

It’s Time To Believe That You’re The Exception

Maybe it’s time to change the narrative and believe that you are the exception. If you’re just tired of people putting you down when it comes to your biggest dreams and desires, then this one is for you. Sometimes people want to protect you from getting disappointed or hurt when they see that you’ve gotten ahead of yourself or you’re too hopeful and excited about something, but that doesn’t mean they’re always right. Maybe they’re being realistic, maybe they can see that the odds are against you, or maybe they just don’t believe that you can be the exception, which is exactly why you have to believe that you are. 

It’s time to change your story and believe that you are the exception this time, regardless of what they say. It’s time to believe that you can be the person who gets your dream job, even though others may be more qualified, because you also have what it takes to make it. It’s time to believe that you can be with that person you want, even though everyone thinks you’re out of your mind because you deserve to have anyone you want love you the way you want to be loved. It’s time to believe that you don’t have to repeat the same cycles or live the same old story that you’ve been dreading. This is how you become the exception, by changing the narrative and believing that you can actually be the one that beats the odds. 

It’s time to stop listening to what others think or what they have to say, because maybe they can see from their own limited point of view. Everyone has their own opinion, their own advice, their own perspective, but they don’t know what you truly want and they don’t know how you stay up at night desperately wanting to change your life. They will tell you all the facts you need to hear and they will rationalize everything so you can listen to them and believe. They will show you evidence and proof that you can never have what you want, and I want you to nod and agree, but still persist and dream because maybe they don’t think you can be the exception, but as long as you can, that’s all that matters. 

Even if they’re right and you’re wrong, would it kill you to change the narrative and believe that you are the exception? Would it kill you to reframe your mind in a way that serves you and makes you happy? Would it kill you to believe that you are worthy of everything you’ve ever dreamed of but couldn’t attain? Would it kill you to try it out this one time and see what happens? Because I believe that it’s better to live life in a way that may sound crazy to others but could land you something wonderful instead of living rationally and realistically and never really getting a shot at something that could change your life. 

What’s the worst that could happen if you change your beliefs for a little while? You may get discouraged or disappointed if things don’t work out for you. Well, guess what, you already feel that way so why not go after what seems impossible, believe that you can make it, believe that you are worthy of it, and believe that you are loved, chosen and special. Believe that you are the exception and watch how everything eventually unfolds to confirm that to you.