Maybe Love Is The Little Things
Someone once told me that love isn’t just a feeling or a faculty
It’s a choice
And what I’m saying is
I think I love you
Not in that scary way that feels all encompassing
Not the way that makes men run and women cry
Not in a tunnel vision way
Or even a Disney sort of way
Not the way they told you love is
I don’t always think about you before I go to sleep
I don’t always think about you when I wake up
Not in that type of way
I love you in a way that makes me sad when you’re sad
And happy when you’re happy
In a way that makes me never want to fight with you
In a way that feels safe enough to say whatever comes to mind
In a way that’s nonjudgmental
In a way that makes me want to keep that stupid poster on the wall because I know how much you like it
In a carefree way that’s also still somehow full of care
In a way that actually makes me willing to share my food
In a way that makes me sometimes want to jump on you
Even though physical touch is my lowest love language
In a way that feels comfortable talking with you endlessly about anything
Always remembering one more thing I wish I’d mentioned before you had to leave
In a way that hates when you have to leave
In a way that makes me realize
Maybe love really is the little things
It’s not what you dream about
It’s not a tidal wave or a tsunami
Maybe love is a current
And just as the sea must ebb and flow, it will always meet the sand
So surely, I must love you
In a way