Never Do These X Things While Texting Someone You Want To Date

Never Do These 5 Things When Texting Someone You Want To Date

If you’re texting someone you’re interested in forming a serious relationship with, then make sure you treat them well whenever you interact, whether it’s face-to-face or over the phone. Here are some things you should never do when texting someone you want to date:

Never make them wait days for a response. If you’re going to be away from your phone for days, make sure you let them know ahead of time so they aren’t wondering why you disappeared on them. Otherwise, don’t keep them waiting days for a response. Don’t play games in order to make them more interested in you because this plan can backfire. It can make them think that you don’t value your conversations with them and that you aren’t interested in a relationship, which can cause them to stop pursuing you. To show them that you care, the least you can do is answer their messages within a reasonable time.

Never get into the habit of giving them one-word responses. If you want to talk to this person, you need to show them that you’re invested in the conversation. You need to give as much as you’re receiving in return. Don’t let them carry every conversation. And if there’s a lull, try to figure out a new topic to breach. Even though some people aren’t great texters, not having much to talk about over the phone might make them think you won’t have much to talk about in person either. So try your best to be a good conversationalist. At the very least, show that you’re eager to talk to them and care about what they have to say. Enthusiasm goes a long way.

Never make your messages too confusing. You don’t have to spell perfectly, but make sure what you’re sending them is comprehensible. And don’t use too many emojis that will confuse them. If you want to flirt, make it obvious. Make sure that they know how you feel so they don’t have to stare at your messages, trying to interpret what each one means. If you’re both on the same page, the relationship will start sooner if you’re transparent about what you want. If you’re both confused about whether the other person likes you too, no one will make a move and you could miss out on valuable time together.

Never be vague when it comes to setting plans. If you want to hang out with them in person, if you want to take your relationship off of the phone and into the real world, then make concrete plans with them. If you vaguely reference how you want to take them to a certain movie or coffee shop one day, it might never happen. But if you name a time and place, or at least let them know your availability so they can set the plans, there’s a better chance that those plans will actually come to fruition.  

Never overthink it. You shouldn’t be miserable while texting your crush. You should be excited to hear from them. You should be having a good time talking to them. If they keep disappointing you or boring you, then are they really worth it?