Nesrin Danan

One Day You Won’t Have To Try So Hard—Everything Will Just Click

What is something you once thought was difficult but is now a regular part of your life? Look at how manageable it is for you. Your effort seems to be fruitless, but one day soon, everything will come together. Just click.

Right now, it seems like everyone is getting ahead except for you. It feels like they don’t have the same setbacks. They make life look uncomplicated. They find relationships with confidence. They work less yet make more money. Their business is booming. They’re effortlessly athletic. But you? You’re giving so much of yourself to your goals, yet feel like you’re not going anywhere. 

Despite all of this, keep going. One day everything will just click. The months of hard work will pay off. The amount of times your heart has been broken will show you what true love is. The exercising, healthy eating, discipline, and sacrifice will pay off. The nights you’ve cried alone will not be in vain. This moment is about building endurance, character, and resilience. This moment gives you the strength to make your next obstacle look easy. You’re building the ability to adapt well in the face of hardship, trauma, and threats—also called life.

The challenges in life give you an in-demand skill, the ability to bounce back. Facing hardships now empowers you to expand and improve your life along the way. One day, when you’re ready, you won’t have to try so hard. Everything will just click. 

The jobs you once begged for will be begging to have you. The habits you were struggling to build will become routine, the love you wanted will be gladly given, and the deeper purpose you’ve been searching for will make itself known.

All your years of struggling are never in vain. This is part of your success story. Document it. We all need a story, a beginning. Our journey is not only about ourselves but also about community. Best believe that someone is going through a similar situation as you. Your story can inspire and comfort them. We need stories to let us know that we are not alone.

One day you won’t have to try so hard. Everything will just click. You’ll start to get in the groove of things. You’ll know what works and what doesn’t. You’ll have a better idea of what you’re willing to accept and what you’re not. You’ll maximize your strengths and grow from your weaknesses. You’ll be more comfortable and confident in yourself. You’ll beat yourself up a little less. You’ll be more accepting, and the world will take notice.

The breakthrough comes after you’ve fought through moments of loneliness and abandonment. The victory comes when you refuse to let life make you bitter, though you have every reason to be. You see, you can only understand life in reverse. It isn’t really that life gets easier. It’s that you become more intentional, wise, and content regardless of the circumstances. 

It’s in that moment…everything clicks.

Remember this one thing. Keep going. One day you won’t have to try so hard. Everything will just click.