Red Flags That Your Career Is On The Wrong Path
Samson Katt

Red Flags That Your Career Is On The Wrong Path

Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to switch career paths. Not everyone can wake up one morning and decide to quit the job that is paying their bills. However, hopefully you can make a change for the better over time. But the first step is recognizing that you’re in the wrong place. Here are a few signs that you probably aren’t where you’re meant to be, career-wise:

You dread the day ahead of you, every single day. You aren’t happy with where you are professionally. You don’t get excited bout the work that you’re doing. You don’t even feel ambivalent about the work that you’re doing. You actively dread it. You spend your whole life counting down to the weekend and spend your weekdays miserable. But that isn’t the way it should be. You shouldn’t feel miserable in a place that you spend so much of your time.

You feel like you’re coasting along without going anywhere. You should always be challenging yourself. You should always be striving to better yourself. If you feel like you’re anchored in place and aren’t making any forward momentum (and aren’t even interested in making forward momentum because you’re that disengaged), then you might be in the wrong position or place. You might need a change in order to reach your full potential. You don’t want to limit yourself. If there’s somewhere else where you have more room to grow, then that’s where you belong.

You cannot stand any aspect of what you do. You aren’t happy with what you’re doing, or with the hours, or with the people, or with your paycheck, or with the commute. If there’s not a single thing that you enjoy about where you’re working, then you should try to see what else is out there. Try to see if there’s something else that will bring you at least a little bit of comfort or joy. Your work takes up such a huge chunk of your week. You don’t want to spend all that time miserable if there’s any sort of alternative that works for you.

You feel undervalued. You deserve to work somewhere where you are respected and appreciated. You deserve to feel like the people who surround you every single day actually value your input. It can be hard to find a place like this, but they are out there. They exist. And if you are feeling like no one around you realizes how hard you’re working, don’t be afraid to look around for better opportunities. You are allowed to dream big. You are allowed to look for something better.

Your mental health is getting damaged. You shouldn’t overlook your mental health. If your career is making you way more stressed than you need to be, if you’re waking up sick to your stomach and locking yourself in the bathroom to cry, then you owe it to yourself to get out of there. Even if you can’t find your dream job, you deserve to work someplace where you at least feel comfortable. Where you at least feel safe. Suffering shouldn’t be something you teach yourself to live with.