Reminders For Strong Girls Who Are Going Through A Lot
Molly Champion

Reminders For Strong Girls Who Are Going Through A Lot Right Now

Strength doesn’t mean that you never shed a tear, that you are completely unbreakable and nothing can hurt your feelings.

Real strength is about allowing yourself to feel your darkest emotions and surviving them. It’s about acknowledging when you’re not okay and reaching out for help when you need it. After all, it’s so much easier to pretend that you’re fine than it is to admit that there’s something wrong. Vulnerability is a strength. It’s something to be admired and it’s something you should be proud about. Please, never stuff down your emotions because they are valid. They deserve to be felt. And even though they might be causing you pain right now, it’s better to let them in so you can start healing than to keep procrastinating until you implode.

Today’s setbacks don’t take away from yesterday’s accomplishments.

You might be disappointed over how much you’re struggling because you thought you were doing better lately. You thought you were growing. You thought you finally had your whole life together. But you can’t think like that. Just because you might have taken a step back today doesn’t mean that all the steps forward you took yesterday were a waste. Not every single day is going to be productive. Some days are going to be disasters – and this is true for everyone, even the most successful people in the world, even the people you are looking up to and trying to emulate. Everyone takes steps backwards once in a while. Everyone goes through rough patches. It’s unavoidable.

You don’t have to be strong for the people who love you.

All too often, people pretend they’re fine in order to save their loved ones the trouble. In order to avoid causing the people they care about more stress and making them worry. But your family and friends want you to be honest. They want you to feel comfortable coming to them with absolutely anything that is on your mind. They would be crushed if they knew you were suffering in silence. They would rather have you confide in them. They would rather try their hardest to help. So please, stop thinking of your problems as an inconvenience because the right people will be happy to hear what’s on your mind

You’re allowed to rest your mind and body for a while.

If you’re feeling that overwhelmed, you shouldn’t keep pushing yourself. You don’t want to end up exhausting yourself emotionally and burning yourself out. You’re allowed to take breaks. You’re allowed to do absolutely nothing for a while until you feel okay again. Eventually, you should put yourself back out into the world, but for now, you don’t have to stick to your routine if it’s hurting you worse. You should be considering your mental health a priority. You shouldn’t be sweeping your emotions under the rug and telling yourself that you’re overreacting. You should be taking yourself seriously. 

You’re going to push through this pain.

Even though it might feel like this pain is everlasting, it’s only temporary. One morning, you are going to wake up feeling okay again. You are going to find yourself smiling easier. You are going to consider this moment, right now, a distant memory. You are going to get through this. You are.