Signs He’s A ‘Wife Guy’ Who Secretly Cheats
Emma Bauso

Signs He’s A ‘Wife Guy’ Who Secretly Cheats

According to Wikipedia, “a wife guy is a man whose fame is owed to the content he posts about his wife in order to upgrade their social standing.” Lately, after a few cheaters have been caught, wife guys have been called out for using their perfect partner and perfect relationship in order to make themselves look good, even though they might be cheating behind closed doors.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that a man who talks up his partner is inherently bad. That doesn’t mean you should be scared about your partner treating you well because that’s what a partner is supposed to do. There’s a huge difference between someone who talks about their partner all the time out of love and someone who talks about their partner all the time in order to overcompensate for cheating. Here are a few signs that he’s the type of wife guy that you need to look out for:

He treats you completely differently in private than he does when other people are around.

You want someone who treats you well, regardless of how many other people are in the room. If he sings your praises when friends or family are around, but treats you disrespectfully once it’s only the two of you together alone, something is wrong. He should be showing you respect all the time, not only when others are around to see it and judge him over it. Looking like a good partner in public isn’t enough. He needs to follow through and have that same energy when you’re alone together.

He posts about how much he loves you – but never says it to your face.

Once again, if he’s performing his love for other people but isn’t showing it directly to you, then it’s natural to wonder why he’s saying these things at all. Your person shouldn’t be posting about how they’re so lucky to have you and that they appreciate you so much – and then staying quiet behind closed doors. If you feel like your partner doesn’t appreciate you on a daily basis, like they’re only saying sweet things about you when they’re prompted or when it’s expected by society, then they aren’t giving you enough attention. They aren’t giving you what you deserve. The sweetest things they have to say should be whispered directly to you, not announced in front of the world to make them look good.  

He’s done a lot of suspicious things that don’t add up – but you ignore it because you can’t imagine him hurting you.

Don’t ignore your gut. Don’t ignore red flags, either. If your partner’s stories aren’t adding up, if you feel like something has changed in the relationship and they aren’t giving you the full truth, don’t assume that there must be a harmless reason because they love you so much. Remember, their actions matter as much as their words. Saying they love you is wonderful, but it isn’t enough. They need to follow through with their behaviors, with the way they treat you every single day.