Stay Single Because It's Better Than Being The One Who Cares More
Anete Lusina

Stay Single Because It’s Better Than Being The One Who Cares More

Stay single because it’s better than putting every ounce of your effort into a person who is unwilling to do half that amount of work for you. You shouldn’t be the only one contributing to the relationship because it takes two people to make a relationship strong. If they aren’t interested in doing their fair share, then the relationship is going to crumble. It doesn’t matter how hard you try because you can’t sustain this love on your own. You both need to be putting in effort. You both need to be trying your best. You can’t expect yourself to carry the whole relationship because that’s not the way it works.

Stay single because it’s better than being the one who cares more. It’s better than feeling like you are getting nothing, even though you are giving everything. You should never have to wonder whether your partner still has feelings for you, whether they are still committed to this relationship. The right person will match your energy. They will make sure you know how much you mean to them. They will never let you sit around and doubt their intentions because they will say those three little words every single day. They will remind you that you matter so damn much to them.

Stay single because it’s better than exhausting yourself trying to convince someone to finally pull their weight. Even though you might not mind doing favors for them now, it’s going to grow old eventually. You’re going to end up resenting them. You’re going to wonder why you’ve been wasting your time. Remember, you shouldn’t have to give this person reasons to love you. They should be able to see your value on their own. And if they aren’t able to rise to your expectations, then you need to stop giving them so much leeway and find someone else who can do better.

Stay single because it’s better than making excuses for this person time and time again. You shouldn’t have to defend their shitty treatment of you to your friends and family. You shouldn’t have to come up with excuses for why it’s okay they hurt you – because, spoiler alert, it’s not okay that they hurt you. It’s not okay that you’re running around trying to please them while they couldn’t care less about your mood. The right person would never disregard your emotions. They would never expect you to put up with the bare minimum.  

Stay single because it’s better than holding onto the hope that they’ll change eventually. You shouldn’t be living for the future. Especially since there’s no way of predicting their future behavior. They might treat you this way forever. They might never come to their senses. So you need to look at the person standing in front of you right now and ask yourself whether you really want to put up with this sort of treatment, whether this is really what you deserve.

Stay single because it’s better than being the one who cares more. It’s better than doing all the work in the relationship. It’s better than tiring yourself out for someone who isn’t even worth it.