Yaroslav Shuraev

Stay Single Until You Find Someone Who ‘Gets You’

Stay single until you find someone who supports your hobbies, even if they don’t fully understand them. Your person shouldn’t tease you mercilessly about your favorite music and movies and shows. They shouldn’t make you feel embarrassed about your tastes and interests. They shouldn’t disrespect your opinion or make you feel stupid for enjoying something they aren’t into. Your person doesn’t have to share your interests, but they should be happy these things are making you happy.  

Stay single until you find someone who encourages you to chase your passions. Someone who understands how much your dreams mean to you and helps you achieve them in any way possible. Someone who doesn’t make you choose between your career and your relationship because they believe that you can balance it all. They trust that you have what it takes to succeed.

Stay single until you find someone who you’re comfortable letting down your walls around. Someone who makes you feel comfortable exposing the real, raw, vulnerable you. You don’t want to get stuck in a relationship where you’re always pretending, where you’re always on alert, when you’re always watching your step to make sure your lies don’t blow up in your face. You want someone who makes you feel completely comfortable and confident being yourself. Someone who makes you feel like you’re good enough without putting on a show.

Stay single until you find someone who accepts your quirks, not someone who tries to change them, not someone who makes you feel like you need to act differently if you want to be loved fully. It’s great if you want to better yourself, but that should be your decision. Your partner shouldn’t pressure you into changing aspects of yourself that you love. They should accept you exactly the way you are while supporting you in any changes you want to make for your own well-being.

Stay single until you find someone who is okay with your past. Someone who isn’t going to hold your old mistakes against you. Someone who cares more about the person you are in the present, and the person you’re slowly growing into, than whoever you were before you met. You deserve someone who gives you a chance, not someone who judges you before they even get to know you.

Stay single until you find someone who gets your sense of humor. Someone who laughs at your jokes until their stomach hurts. Someone who knows how to make you smile when you’re feeling down and is entertained by your antics. Pick a partner who feels like your best friend, who you can have fun with even when you’re doing mundane tasks, like folding laundry or shopping for groceries.

Stay single until you find someone who makes you feel seen. Someone who is in love with you, not some imaginary version of you they’ve created in their heads, not some performance that you’ve put on to impress them. Stay single until you find someone who gets you, and would do anything to keep you.