Stay Single Until You Find Someone You Can Be Weird Around
Olya Kobruseva

Stay Single Until You Find Someone You Can Be Weird Around

Stay single until you find someone that you can be your real, authentic self around. You shouldn’t be toning down your thoughts and opinions in order to appeal to them. You shouldn’t have to play pretend when you’re with the person who is supposed to love you exactly the way you are. If you have to censor yourself around them or act like someone you’re not, then you aren’t in the right relationship. The person meant for you is going to love you and your weird quirks. They’re going to love you and the pieces you consider flaws. They’re going to love you at your core, not a dialed down version of you that you think they want to see.

Stay single until you find someone who is happy to hear you ramble on about your hobbies and interests, even if they don’t share the same ones. Even if they don’t understand the hype. The right person will want to hear what you have to say. They’ll want to see you animated as you speak. They’ll want to be the person you can come to to talk about absolutely anything under the sun. If you feel like this person is annoyed whenever you go off on a tangent about your favorite things, then they’re not the right fit for you. You shouldn’t feel embarrassed about the things you love. You shouldn’t feel pressured to keep quiet because you’re being annoying. You should feel free to be one-hundred percent you.

Stay single until you find someone who never treats you like a nuisance or a bother. Someone who will be your plus-one to concerts and movies you’re excited to see, even if you don’t have the same taste. You shouldn’t be stuck with someone who complains about going out with you, who makes a fun time miserable because they won’t stop pointing out how ridiculous these activities are and acts like they would rather be doing anything else. The right person won’t try to ruin your excitement. They will be happy to spend time with you, no matter what’s on the schedule.

Stay single until you find someone who treats you like an equal. You don’t want someone who rolls their eyes when you’re speaking or looks down on your interests. You don’t want someone who acts like they’re superior to you while viewing your hobbies as childish. You need someone who respects you and your interests, your thoughts and your hobbies.

Stay single until you find someone who actually likes you as a person. Not someone who likes your looks more than your personality. Not someone who tolerates you but has romantic feelings for you. Love isn’t enough. Your person should like you too. They should consider you their best friend. They should be excited about spending quality time with you. The real you. Remember, if you can’t be your most authentic self around them, if you can’t let down your walls, then you aren’t mean to be together. You’re meant to be with someone who loves you at your weirdest.