Ron Lach

Tarot Readings For 4 Zodiac Signs Who Are Having Their Resilience Tested

Below are tarot readings for Cancer, Virgo, Libra, and Sagittarius – four zodiac signs who are having their resilience tested. 

The Cards drawn are as follows: 

  • In Your Past – the not-too-distant past.
  • Working For You – something that’s working in your favor or working with you. 
  • Working Against You – something that is working against you.
  • Your Thoughts – your goal, the focus of your thoughts.
  • Your Subconscious – the subconscious ‘undertow’ of your experience.
  • In Your Future – the not-too-distant future.


In Your Past – Seven of Swords. There was a lot of deception surrounding you, Cancer, and when you didn’t know who to trust the paranoia came out and the walls went up. 

Working For You – Nine of Swords. It’s strange to see the ‘nightmare card’ as working for someone, but you’ve been in the worst, most toxic situation you could be in, and have survived. You may not have been able to process the truth that you’ve already shown remarkable resilience and strength. 

Working Against You – The Moon. Part of the way you’ve been resilient may have been denying the psychological and emotional damage that you’ve been taking on by living in this toxic situation. By not acknowledging the challenges you’ve faced and the hurt that you’ve endured, you’re missing a big part of your truth.

Your Thoughts – Seven of Pentacles. You know that some things just take time, and that often all that’s left that we can give is our patience. 

Your Subconscious – The Lovers, Reversed. You worry whether you’ve made all the right choices, or what your life would be like if you had just taken a different path.

In Your Future – The Star. Your experiences during this personal gauntlet are going to teach you how to find hope even when things seem their darkest. Hope can lead you to renewal and healing. As you process the experiences you’ve been through, hope can also help you discover new possibilities for yourself.


In Your Past – Knight of Wands. You got so impassioned that you recently made some pretty impetuous decisions, and moved far faster than you normally would (and certainly with less information than you’re usually comfortable with!). 

Working For You – Knight of Cups, Reversed. You’ve been playing things with your heart on your sleeve recently due to those big moves – and the sudden shift towards such forthrightness has been working in your favor. 

Working Against You – Eight of Cups. Learning when to move on is a vital life lesson. There’s a whole name for what happens when we hold on to something for so long just because we’ve put so much of ourselves into it – and the sunk cost fallacy is definitely working against you right now, Virgo

Your Thoughts – King of Cups. Your wisdom is linked to your compassion. Your thoughts are concerned with how you can bring love, and balance, to where it’s needed.

Your Subconscious – Eight of Pentacles. Subconsciously you’re aware of what it takes to build skills, and that resilience and strength are going to be needed in order to work through the emotional gravity of the situation you’re in. Be compassionate and gentle with yourself, and remember that processing and integrating difficult emotions and experiences are similar to any other skills that must be learned. 

In Your Future – Seven of Pentacles. Soon you’ll have a moment of rest while things develop – you will have done all you can and it will just take time. Take stock of where you’ve been, and what you’ve learned, and how far you’ve come.


In Your Past – Eight of Pentacles. You were recently invested in learning the skills necessary to master your craft. The more you focused on the finer details, the more satisfying you found the work to be. 

Working For You – Ace of Wands. You’ve been feeling particularly inspired, Libra, and have started to use all of the skills you recently learned to create what you’re hoping will be a new path forward for yourself.  

Working Against You – Page of Wands. It’s important that you think pragmatically about your new path and new life, and don’t get so caught up in dreaming the big dreams that you can’t figure out how to bring them to life. Harness your energy and direct it towards progress.

Your Thoughts – Page of Pentacles. You’re determined to make the most of this new beginning and want to make sure that you invest your energy and time toward any skills that might help you. Your thoughts are in alignment with what the situation is calling for. 

Your Subconscious – Queen of Wands. You’re invested in keeping your creative fires going. It’s how you connect with your world and process your thoughts and emotions. Make sure to nurture what you have, and carry some of that creative spark forward to the future.

In Your Future – The Magician (Reversed). In the future, you may find yourself with all the resources available but no vision to carry it forward. To take advantage of the situation, make sure you don’t burn out now, so you’ll have some fire in the tank.


In Your Past – The Fool. There’s an innocent trust in the universe to go out on a big, life-changing adventure. It’s rare that we can be certain that our step into the unknown will bring us towards safety. But of all the signs, Sagittarius, you know that sometimes that adventure can lead to our purpose.

Working For You – Nine of Wands, Reversed. You’re aware that in order for you to continue on, you need to work on the types of stories you tell yourself. Don’t let what happened in the past dictate how you handle your future, or create more limitations when the world is full of them.

Working Against You -Ten of Pentacles, Reversed.  Your feelings about money may be at odds with those of your family. You’re definitely facing some challenging feelings around material matters – either you’re financially challenged, or you’ve started to wonder if wealth is just a trap.

Your Thoughts – Nine of Cups. You’re always hoping for and thinking of the best. You would love to be able to bring some of your more ambitious ideas into the world. 

Your Subconscious – Knight of Cups. You’ve been striving to be in touch with your emotions. You feel as though the journey that you set out on in the Fool card is important to you being able to invite love into your life. 

In Your Future – Ace of Cups, Reversed. You may find yourself focused on learning how to love yourself, instead of looking externally for an object of your affection. You deserve your gentleness and compassion, especially after the challenges that you’ve faced.