Mikhail Nilov

Tarotscope For Today: Friday, August 9, 2024

Table of Contents


Your Card: Three of Cups

Today calls for a celebration. You’ve worked hard to get where you are. Now, take a breather. This card shows a social, uplifting moment. Call your friends and family and make some exciting plans. If you’re feeling isolated, know there’s a community out there eager to connect with you. Don’t hesitate to lean on your loved ones. They’re ready to pick you up and remind you of your strengths.


Your Card: Two of Pentacles

Go with the flow today. There’s no need to set strict guidelines for the events stretched out before you. Let it be. While sometimes we find luck in asserting ourselves with force, this Friday isn’t one of those days. There are unresolved dilemmas and uncertainties in the air. Let the muddy water still rather than continuing to splash up more dirt with cloudy movement. You’ll be better equipped to navigate decisions when you can see clearly.


Your Card: The Empress Reversed

Remember your worth. As you navigate today, it becomes apparent that you need a confidence boost. Remember what you bring to the table. As you navigate the challenges of life, of course, it’s essential to remain fair. However, there’s a difference between being compassionate and sacrificing your own needs. You deserve the world and more like anyone else you care for.


Your Card: Ace of Swords

It’s time to take a stab at it. While you cannot predict how things will play out, you can give it your all. Clearing away confusion, it becomes apparent that it’s time to try new approaches. Beginnings usher in. You’re ready to sign contracts, facilitate meaningful conversations, or take the leap of faith. As you move forward, remember to prioritize mental clarity and fortitude. Cut out distractions.


Your Card: Four of Cups Reversed

Today, you start to see matters as they truly stand. Rather than getting lost in wishful thinking, you’re ready to confront reality. You’ve been spending a lot of time longing for more. However, it’s time to reclaim your power. Only you can decide what you’ll settle for. Passivity is replaced with willpower as you take in all available resources. Making a difference means claiming agency.


Your Card: The Fool Reversed

Sit with your restlessness today. Self-soothe until you get to a place of calm composure before making sudden movements. If you’re to leap without really thinking about it, you’ll likely fall flat on your face. Be patient. Good things take time. What’s meant for you won’t require you to react without a proper game plan.


Your Card: Two of Cups

When we feel supported by others, it makes the world’s weight feel all the more bearable. The Two of Cups Tarot card describes your day. You’re ready for a genuine connection. Lovers feel bonded, friends share sweet moments, and loved ones are a strong unit. This Friday reminds you that you don’t have to go it alone. Why even try to when you recognize how fortunate you are for your support system?


Your Card: Queen of Pentacles

You’re feeling capable of powerful results today. The Queen of Pentacles shows you feel confident in your abilities and skills. Putting your best foot forward pays off. Expect to be celebrated for your hard work, dedication, and loyalty to your craft. Stability sets you up for success. Your consistency has led you to a great opportunity. Enjoy the fruits of your labor.


Your Card: Ten of Wands Reversed

You likely want to give up today. Allow yourself to pause and rest. Your journey has been testing your strength lately. However, remembering why you started becomes all the more critical in these moments. It’s okay to take a break. Use this time to reassess your weaknesses and challenges and how to work smarter, not harder, towards your end goals. Progress is progress, even if you pause for a breather.


Your Card: The Moon 

It’s okay to have only some of the answers. You can trust that the time it takes is the time it takes. Through the midst of confusion, silence your fears. Your ever-present intuition will not steer you wrong. If you cannot find a logical reasoning behind your instincts, lean into them anyway. With due time, you’ll come to understand.


Your Card: Five of Swords

Tolerating disrespect will not keep the peace. It will only force you to carry the turmoil others have caused within yourself. It’s okay to set boundaries. It’s normal to say no when someone has mistreated your kindness. Don’t belittle your emotional needs or judgment today. Someone’s actions will likely rub you the wrong way. Validate your emotions and proceed accordingly.


Your Card: Seven of Cups

Having a lot of options sounds good. However, it often leaves us scattered, anxious, and indecisive when we need help seeing a clear path. It’s important to acknowledge your options and potential today without hesitating to go for what you want once you know it. Confusion is normal. However, intentionally process and sort through it all. When you do so, you can tap into your intuition. Any movement is better than idling now.