Tarotscope For Today: Friday, December 20, 2024
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Your card: Ten of Pentacles
Everything is falling into place today for Aries. The Ten of Pentacles showcases long-term success. Your ambitious goals begin to manifest into reality. Further, you are gathered by a warm, reliable support system.
Your card: Four of Cups Reversed
You’ve been longing for more than your current reality offers. There’s been a feeling of defeat blocking you from moving forwards. However, things have changed today. You’re shaking yourself out of a rut, eager to go for what you want.
Your card: Seven of Pentacles
You may feel at a loss today. You’ve invested a lot of care into your goals, projects, or desires. Yet still, the fruit of your labors feels out of reach. It’s time to course correct before you proceed. Don’t give up, but don’t keep applying the same unsuccessful formula, either.
Your card: Eight of Wands
Good news flies into your lap today. It feels easy to celebrate. Swift developments reinspire hope and allow you to dream bigger. Expansion is on the horizon. Today reminds you that blessings can reach you when you least expect them.
Your card: Seven of Cups Reversed
You’ve been confused and lost in a daze. With unclear direction, it’s easy to get into a neverending loop of indecision paralysis. However, today offers you a fresh perspective that encourages decisiveness. Take back control of the narrative.
Your card: Queen of Pentacles Reversed
It’s hard to tap into practical goals or success today. Expect delays. Your patience will be tested. However, this isn’t a reflection of your character. Don’t question your worthiness or value due to external conditions beyond your control.
Your card: Six of Swords Reversed
Today, you may be revisiting past circumstances or relationships. You may be apprehensive about closing doors or moving on completely. Use this as an opportunity to learn valuable lessons rather than repeating them. Choose differently.
Your card: Two of Swords Reversed
You’ve dug your head in the sand for too long. Turning the other cheek has only led to increased frustration or loss. Today, you’re reaching for more empowering options. With your self-esteem improving, you decide you’re worth more than anxiously waiting on others.
Your card: Ace of Wands
Life feels exciting today. Innovative energy surges your body, making you restless to jump into action. Allow your instincts to take over. Sometimes, we innately know when we’re ready for a fresh start. You’re tapping into creative, visionary aims.
Your card: The Magician
When willpower is strong, little can get in the way. Today, you’re concentrating your efforts with passion. With this enhanced mentality, manifestations unfold naturally. You have the tools and resources you need to tap into your potential.
Your card: The Empress
Magnetism is at an all-time high for Aquarians today. The Empress blesses this zodiac with enhanced charm. Your relationships are elevated in nurturing, loving energy. If you need to ask for a favor, forgiveness, or anything involving the support of others, ask for what you need today. It’ll likely go in your favor.
Your card: The Moon Reversed
Confusing times are passing. You’ve been looking for answers but lost in a haze of anxiety, fear, or illusion. The truth is revealed. From this point onwards, you’re more informed, capable, and empowered than ever. It’s time to ditch self-sabotage and run toward clarity.