Tarotscope For Today: Friday, January 10, 2025

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Your card: 5 of Wands

There’s a competitive spirit in the air. Competition can be inspiring and invigorating. Using the performance of our colleagues and peers to improve our understanding of our craft is an empowering and healthy approach to competitive situations. Embrace the positive elements of competition, and be wary of allowing your competitive spirit to go overboard into feelings of conflict. This presents you with a great opportunity to use your leadership skills to help keep the situation harmonious and productive. 


Your card: 4 of Wands

Take a moment and allow yourself to understand and celebrate just how far you’ve come. Your steady resolve has helped create a support system that has nurtured feelings of stability and safety. Fulfillment and satisfaction abound, and things feel stable enough that some celebrating might just be in order. A day of enjoying what you’ve built and what’s to come with those you care for and admire will help soothe anxieties and remind you of what is important to you. 


Your card: 4 of Cups, Reversed

Don’t miss everything that is going on around you or more importantly – within you. You’re surrounded by abundance and opportunities to use it to fuel your emotional growth. Instead of giving in to boredom, consider using some time to learn a new meditation technique. Or, perhaps, start learning that new hobby you bought all of those supplies for once upon a time. Instead of feeling jaded, embrace the rich textures that are already present in your life.


Your card: The Magician

The world is yours for the making. You have the ability, resources, and drive to manifest what you’ve been dreaming about. You’ll find today to be one of creation, and if you can leverage your power, you’ll have ample opportunity to lay the foundation you’ll need to support your future goals. Don’t wait until the time is perfect – the time is now. You have everything you need to get started, if you just get out of your own way.


Your card: Strength

Today finds you in your element. Your gentle serenity demonstrates the sort of quiet, enduring strength that overcomes the more difficult of obstacles. You know that you are capable of meeting the challenges that you are facing. You can more than meet this moment, you can create something transformative and enduring out of all you learn. Strength isn’t about forcing your way forward, but being able to maneuver forward no matter what.  


Your card: Knight of Cups, Reversed

There are some strong emotions that are obstructing your view of the truth right now. It’s okay to let yourself get swept away by stories of possibility, but chasing illusions is unhealthy in the long-run. Just because someone is saying the right words to you or evoking the right feelings in you doesn’t mean that you should trust them. Instead of continuing to go with the flow, establish some firm boundaries and see how the situation evolves from there. 


Your card: Queen of Cups

The deep, intuitive wisdom that comes from knowing one’s own emotions is effective, yet gentle, while helping you to navigate a variety of situations. When working with other people, allow yourself to lead with your heart. Use your compassion as a guide, you’ll find a lot more progress can occur than you had hoped. Your sensitivity and strength are the most important leadership tools at your disposal today. 


Your card: 3 of Swords, Reversed

No one likes feeling heartbreak or loss, but the revelation of the deep well of resilience and resolve that is within us can be empowering and transformative. Don’t get in your own way of processing your grief and loss, instead be fully present and aware of the shadows these emotions expose. By allowing yourself to move through these difficult emotions, you are giving room for growth. While healing, don’t wall yourself off. 


Your card: Ace of Swords, Reversed

You’re having a tough time making things happen today, it seems like your body is rebelling against you. Don’t relentlessly press yourself forward when it’s causing so much distress. It’s not productive to propel yourself in the wrong direction. Take a beat and collect your thoughts. Reassess your situation and take a moment to visualize your goals and reconnect with your inspiration. Taking a moment will prevent you from forcing something that isn’t meant to be.


Your card: 7 of Pentacles

Some of the more challenging moments in creating something material or physical happen when we’ve expended all of the energy and effort, and all that is left to do is wait and allow things to develop. It can be frustrating and worrisome, as not all progress is visible, and after so much motion it can feel like nothing is happening. During this leap of faith between our investment of time and the realization of our work, we have to remember to have faith in our process and our efforts.


Your card: The Star

There are shimmering, magical moments in life where we’re able to reconnect with our soul purpose, and all of the worries and fears that gripped us fall away. The emotional work you’ve been doing has been fostering the healing you’ve been hoping for, and you are being shown signs you’re on the right path. It can be difficult after so many challenges to open yourself to the possibilities of hope – but the best things often require the most of us. Let the light in.


Your card: The Fool

There’s the feeling of possibility and promise in the air, and you know it’s time to set out, even though you don’t feel ‘ready’. While you may have heard this particular call to adventure before, this time it strikes a chord deep within you, sparking the first step. Don’t become so enamored with the excitement of the moment that you ignore the voices of your experience and intuition. Embrace a beginner’s mind so you can retain your senses of gratitude and wonder. Trust yourself and your resourcefulness.