cottonbro studio

Tarotscope For Today: Monday, January 5, 2025

Table of Contents


Your card: The Star

Today, Aries finds healing, renewal, and inner peace. Recently, they have had many heavy, uncontrollable moments to process. Now, this zodiac is ready to restore their spirit, welcoming lighthearted aims and clear vision.


Your card: The World

The World represents a completed, full-picture ideal. Therefore, Taurus will reap the rewards of their hard work. This day has been a long time in the making. They can appreciate how far they’ve come with a bird’s eye view.


Your card: Eight of Pentacles

Hard work will pay off. Gemini, it’s time to tunnel vision into the task at hand. Give it your all. Don’t look for shortcuts. Instead, invest the effort it takes to perfect your craft or goal.


Your card: Ace of Swords Reversed

Today, take your time to process. You may feel hurried to decide, keep a promise, share information, sign a contract, or commit. However, you first should prioritize introspection and getting clear within.


Your card: Eight of Swords Reversed

You’ve felt stuck recently. However, the storyline shifts today for the better. You’re not willing to see yourself as the hopeless victim anymore. You’re well aware of the power you hold, leading to liberation.


Your card: Three of Wands

There’s growth on the horizon. You feel it in your bones. The good things that come in will change your life for the better. Hold on a little bit longer, not hurrying the process.


Your card: The Lovers

You’re confronted with a fork in the road today. Your path could go either way. Take your choices to heart, knowing this is likely a spiritual test. You can walk towards or further away from your Higher Self.


Your card: The Tower Reversed

You’ve recently felt the rug ripped out unexpectedly from under your feet. However, things are changing their tune. Recovery begins today, allowing you to see circumstances as a blessing in disguise in the long run.


Your card: Five of Swords Reversed

Trust your judgment if you notice something off with another person’s behavior but can’t pinpoint it exactly. Someone may be feeling tense or triggered, leading to disrespectful actions or comments that could be written off as unintentional.


Your card: Three of Cups Reversed

You’re inspired to connect with others today. However, you may feel more isolated than you’d like to be. It’s okay to feel lonely. Be open and transparent with your loved ones about how much their support is needed.


Your card: Six of Cups

You’re walking down memory lane, likely with special loved ones or a lover. There’s a lighthearted connection in store, bringing out an innocent, inner child part of yourself. Allow this to fuel you towards a more idealized future.


Your card: Six of Wands

Success is yours. Your name is already written all over whatever you’re striving for. Today brings good news. As you share your celebratory insights, be mindful of who you share what with. Don’t allow jealousy or envy prevent your fulfillment.