Tarotscope For Today: Sunday, September 29, 2024


Your card: Ten of Swords

This week asks you to process past hurts. You may desire to turn back time and go back before a line was crossed. However, it would be best to grieve the reality that you can’t. What has been done, has been done. Don’t try to forgive the unforgivable.


Your card: Strength, Reversed

You may be feeling apprehensive this week. You’re feeling vulnerable and sensitive to your environment. It’s okay to feel off. Feeling unsteady is safe as long as you don’t project your insecurities. Look within. Your courage hasn’t gone anywhere; it’s still with you.


Your card: Page of Cups

New beginnings are arriving. A youthful, eager side of yourself is coming out to play. Your creativity is soaring. It’s easy to romanticize life. Relationships are charged with refreshing unfoldings, encouraging you to embrace the unknown. Your sensitivities may heighten, but you should listen to your intuition.


Your Card: Six of Pentacles

Others are eager to support your needs this week. Therefore, it is essential to ask for and accept help whenever needed. There’s a give-and-take in life, naturally balancing harmonious dynamics. Once you reach out for a helping hand, don’t be surprised when you can uplift another. Feed into the chain reaction of generosity.


Your card: Four of Swords

Sometimes, our silence says it all. You don’t need to take action this week to fix things. The wisest thing you can do is practice slowness, mindfulness, and introspection. Observe yourself, others, and circumstances with a watchful eye. Take your time to process.


Your card: Five of Swords, Reversed

You likely feel that there are conflicts that have been left unresolved. As much as you may want to repair tensions, looking at matters objectively is essential. Has there been open disrespect? Whether coming from you or another, you must acknowledge where a genuine apology is due before you can move onwards.


Your card: Eight of Cups, Reversed

Are you avoiding the inevitable? This week, the universe wants you to come to terms with endings. Sometimes, we’re waiting for the perfect moment to find closure. However, we may never get to that ideal finish line. It would be best if you initiated your freedom. Walk away. Find happiness.


Your card: Knight of Cups

You’re eager to experience the world with an open heart this week. Sagittarius, your inner romantic is coming out. This could be literal, involving crushes, dating, and the like. However, it could include friendships, connections, art, and creative visions. Pour into your passions.


Your card: Five of Cups

This week may feel like everything comes to a pause as you process your heartbreak, loss, or grief. It’s okay to slow down. As you process who or what can no longer walk onward with you, there’s a lot on your mind. It would be best if you let go. Remember, there’s a silver lining to all of this.


Your card: King of Cups, Reversed

You may feel nervous to express your innermost thoughts or emotions this week. Aquarius, don’t hold back. Your loved ones deserve to know what you truly need. You miss opportunities to repair conflict or build closer bonds when you bite your tongue. If someone cannot handle your truth and communicate it respectfully, this is also something to take seriously.


Your card: Eight of Pentacles, Reversed

You’re looking for progress this week. However, you may need to accept that things aren’t working out on your intended timeline. This doesn’t mean you have failed. It means you must stop wasting your time and energy on what no longer works. You can change your mind. Invest your best efforts on what fuels you. Get back to the drawing board. Make new plans and goals.