Photo by Maryia Plashchynskaya

3 Zodiac Signs Predisposed To Be Very Feminist


The humanitarians of the zodiac, Aquarians value equality and social justice, making them prime feminists. Aquarians often challenge societal norms, promoting inclusivity, diversity, and empowerment for all individuals regardless of gender. They are also open to new ideas, making them quite progressive. An Aquarian is not easily influenced and will resist any attempt to control them.


Libras have a difficult time tolerating injustices, making them a top feminist sign. They prefer to avoid conflict, so if they’re speaking up it’s for a good reason, choosing their battles wisely. Libras use their communication skills and influence to raise awareness, challenge stereotypes, and promote positive change. They also strive to create environments where everyone feels respected, heard, and valued.


Aries women are notoriously passionate and fight for what they believe in. They speak up for those who don’t have a voice to defend themselves, and will do so fearlessly. They refuse to conform to societal expectations or limitations based on gender and are fearless in challenging injustice and inequality. They are also natural leaders who champion the rights and autonomy of individuals, making them fierce advocates for feminist ideals.