Sophie Oatman

The Confession Each Zodiac Sign Is Holding Back


“I feel isolated and lonely most of the time because I hide my gentle side. I come across as fiery, aggressive, and bold but I’m more sensitive than you know. I deeply crave tenderness and affection, even though I struggle with expressing it. Sometimes I wish those closest to me would handle me with more care. The truth is that I’m fragile on the inside. I have my own insecurities, doubts, fears, and romantic fantasies. I hide beneath a tough exterior because I’m truly afraid of not being valued.”


“I appear calm and collected, but the truth is that I’m burning with both longing and rage on the inside. There’s nothing I want more than a stable, loving, and committed relationship but I feel jaded by ex-lovers who broke my trust. Now I struggle with opening up because I internalized past heartache into anger. I easily push others away because I doubt their true intentions. I’m afraid I won’t be able to fully place my faith in another person again.”


“I feel like everyone else’s personal cheerleader. I know the right things to say to comfort others. I unconditionally support my friends and loved ones, and am always there through the ups and downs, through the rights and wrongs. Sometimes I wish that those close to me could recognize when I need cheering up and help. I need more calming and grounding than I let on. Sometimes I think about how nice it would feel to be held, even for just a little while.”


“I’m not the sentimental fool that others make me out to be. Too many times I’ve been in a situation where I stuck around far longer than I should have when someone was hurting me. I can now recognize when someone is taking advantage of my kindness. You may think I’m overly emotional, but I’m much more logical than I appear. I’m not reserved or hiding from the world, and I’m certainly not paranoid. I just prefer keeping others at arm’s length until I’m certain of their true intentions.” 


“Others like to call me arrogant, cocky, and full of myself. Nicer people say I’m confident, self-assured, and bold. There is both accuracy and falsehood to each sentiment. The truth is that I’m more insecure than I’ll ever admit. I’m afraid of not being recognized as powerful, and I’m afraid of being hurt. I’ve been generous and devoted to the wrong people in the past—people who made me doubt my true worth. It made me guarded. For me, the limelight is a safe place to hide.”


“It seems like I have it all figured out, but the truth is that I struggle to keep it together most days. I set such high and unrealistic standards and expectations for myself, that it always feels like I’m falling short. On the hardest day, I tear myself apart analyzing all the ways I’m not good enough for my job and my partner. It’s hard for me to pause and celebrate my achievements because I’m always thinking about the next best thing.”


“I’m well aware of my toxic tendency of becoming involved in codependent relationships, but I lie to myself. I do it because confronting the truth would mean admitting that I’m terrified of being alone, and facing that would involve a volatile release of emotions. I focus so much on others because I don’t want to deal with my own traumas, problems, and fears. I love the wrong people so hard because I haven’t yet healed enough to love myself fully. I want to, but I’m afraid of the buried pain it might unleash.” 


“The depth of my capacity to feel has overwhelmed me to the point that I’ve become impenetrable. I’ve become withdrawn and isolated, even though I’m good at keeping up appearances. I could be in a room with all my best friends or with 50 people, and still feel utterly alone. I have so much love to give and I’m afraid I will never find a place to put it down. It has been spat on by all the wrong people. I’ve let them rob me of my tenderness, and I hate them and myself for it. I might go my whole life without knowing what true love really is.”


“I come off as entirely free-spirited and independent, but I yearn for a loving and steady relationship as much as any other person. I act like I’m not interested in being committed and devoted to another person, but it’s really that I don’t want to waste those precious things on just anyone. I want a once-in-a-lifetime, ride-into-the-sunset, deep and fiery kind of love. It’s hard for me to express any kind of emotional intensity, but I long for deep emotional intimacy, and I’m afraid I won’t find it.”


“Yes, I’m driven with ambition, but I’m also much more passionate than others can see. Truthfully, I crave emotional security more than I crave financial security. I keep my desires, thoughts, and feelings to myself because I don’t want them to be weaponized or make me appear weak. I busy myself with work to fill the void and distract myself from what my heart is screaming for. The truth is I’m afraid of letting people in, so I exhaust myself with responsibilities, and I go in search of intimacy in people I could never feel an emotional connection with.”


“It hurts me when other people accuse me of being unemotional, cold, or detached. While I have the ability to compartmentalize and look at situations from a distance, it doesn’t mean I don’t feel things. I feel them very deeply, so deeply that I have to make a conscious effort to detach myself. I then fall into a cycle where I gaslight myself into questioning whether I feel anything at all. I don’t handle or express my emotions like other people do, so sometimes I feel as if there’s something off about me.”


“I have a lot of pent-up anger inside of me. It’s there because I don’t feel seen and am often misunderstood. Because I’m smarter and more intuitive than others give me credit for. Because I have the logic and objectivity others say I don’t. Because I’m constantly there for others and don’t get the same support from anyone. Because I’m sick of being perceived as fragile and weak. Because I’m tired of holding myself back in fear of being “too much” for others. Because people act like they hear me but they don’t listen.”