Christophe Meyer

The Father He’ll Become, Molded By His Birth Month


He’ll be the type of father who always shows up when you need him. He’ll be consistent and reliable. He’ll never let you down intentionally, and when it happens on accident, he’ll find a way to make it up to you. His word is his bond. If he makes a promise, he’s going to do everything within his power to keep it.


He’ll be the type of father who will always keep your children entertained. He will find ways to make every situation more fun because he wants to enjoy life. He wants to spread happiness whenever he can. Even on the worst days, he will know exactly what to do to cheer everyone up. You’ll always be laughing together.


He’ll be the type of father who is extra affectionate. He will give his children hugs and compliments freely, without holding back. He will make sure they know they are loved. His actions will match his words.


He’ll be the type of father who is always honest with your children, during good times and bad times. You will never have to question how he feels because he is in touch with his emotions. He won’t be afraid to shed a tear or two, and he won’t be shy about saying those three little words.


He’ll be the type of father who is caring and attentive. He will notice when you’re stressed and will help you out instead of waiting for you to ask for help. He will pay close attention to how the family is feeling and notice when something is wrong. He will know his children better than they know themselves.


He’ll be the type of father who brags about his kids to everyone he meets. He won’t shut up about what amazing people they are and how happy he is to be their father. His family truly makes his life fuller.


He’ll be the type of father who spoils his kids rotten. He won’t wait until the holidays or birthdays to do nice things for them. He will express his love in little ways every single day. He will surprise your family with small presents and cook them homemade meals. He will make you feel like the luckiest person in the world that he is a father to your children.


He’ll be the type of father who is protective and always jumps to his family’s defense. Who sticks up for your family in every situation. Who never lets anyone (not even his own parents) speak poorly about your family in any way.


He’ll be the type of father who is always looking to learn and grow. He will listen closely to anyone’s complaints, and instead of getting defensive, he will try to change what isn’t working. He will put active effort into being the best father possible.


He’ll be the type of father who takes an active interest in your children’s lives. He’ll want to know every detail about their day and he’ll always be willing to tag along to new places with them. He’ll be happy to do whatever makes them happy.


He’ll be the type of father who adores every moment he can get with his children. He will never get enough of the little moments with them every day, even on the hard days.


He’ll be the type of husband who would rather stay home and spend quality time with the family than go out on the town with a big group of people. He will value every moment with everyone together since family is the most important thing to him. He will never take you for granted as his wife or get bored with the life you’ve created together.