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The Poem Every Zodiac Sign Needs To Read March 7th-14th


As important as messages of self-love, independence, and knowing your worth are, I also believe we must acknowledge the toll that heartbreak can have on you. I think we need to give grace to those going through it and feeling crushed under the weight of it. Those who aren’t in a place in their healing yet where they can foresee how much lighter they’ll feel one day. We need to understand that saying goodbye to someone you imagine living your days out with can knock over the strongest of us. Rewriting a future that you thought was a sure thing is not light on the heart. I think we need to go easy on ourselves if we just can’t seem to get back up like we thought we would. Heartbreak is no insignificant thing.

-from You Will Feel Whole Again


Don’t miss your blessing because it
looks different than what you expected.
Release yourself from old expectations
and allow your life to unfold as it should.

-from All The Right Pieces


You’re allowed to need more space and alone time than other people. You’re allowed to take things more slowly. You’re allowed to set limits on when and how often you communicate with people. You’re allowed to turn down plans in order to focus on other responsibilities or self-care. You’re allowed to say, “I’m not going to engage with you if you say those things.” You’re allowed to say, “These things don’t feel good and I’m not going to tolerate them.” Even if people get angry. even if they get disappointed or hurt or sad. You deserve to set boundaries and take care of yourself.

-from Daring To Take Up Space


Let go of the people who don’t need to be in your life, people who don’t deserve a space within your precious, loving heart. Leave behind the loads weighing you down, delaying your progress. When you remove the unnecessary, the unhealthy, the unneeded, the right people and the right opportunities will begin to reveal themselves to you. Believe you can let go. Believe in what your strength can do. Believe in your own growth. Believe in your own truth.

-from All The Love You Carry


You are not defined
by the way other people
see you
treat you
love you

You are defined
by the way you
see yourself
treat yourself
love yourself

Others will do unto you
as you teach them how to;
teach them well

-from Evergreen


Forgive yourself for everything. You’re human. That critical voice in your head isn’t yours. You’re worth more than your failures, your heartbreaks, and your struggles. You’re a beautiful compilation of attained wisdom merged with human softness and a gentle kindness. These experiences taught you and added to your greatness. You don’t need to indict yourself and condemn yourself to a lifetime of regret.

-from Holding Space for the Sun


Simply put, all you need to aim for in this life is balance. Be fearless, but don’t forget to slow down and enjoy the now. Be content with all you have, but never stop improving yourself. Be kindhearted, but don’t let others mistreat you. Be independent, but rely on others when you need support. Give your trust, but not to those who are deceiving. Be shamelessly selfish, but learn to also be altruistic. Because a balanced life isn’t a perfect or fragile one, but instead, it’s one that is harmonious — giving us the space, time, energy, and freedom for what truly matters.

-from Beauty in the Stillness


Move on — not for anyone else, not to prove to anyone that you can, but rather, do it for yourself. Do it for your future. Let go of what is heavy within you. Move forward with the lessons, carry them inside of yourself. Move on, not because you have something to prove to the outside world, but because you have something to prove to your heart, you have something to prove to your soul. You are worth saving. Save yourself.

-from A Gentle Reminder


You have the power to be everything you need, and everything you need you can find within yourself, but listen, you can be everything and still need to lean on others for support. You deserve to be held. You deserve to be listened to and nurtured. Give other people permission to support you. You are not weak; you are stronger than you’ll ever know.

-from Stay Until Tomorrow


What if instead of asking
what you want to do
you began to think about
what you want to feel?

-from Ceremony


I think growth
is meant to be
if you’re not questioning
then how
are you finding out?

-from no idea what I’m doing but f*ck it


You are wearing rose-colored glasses
and ripping your heart out of your chest
like a flower from its roots
for someone who does not deserve it,
for someone who does not see what you see,
for someone who would not do the same for you.

You romanticize moments and people
and the moments you share with those people —
and that’s okay, that’s the beauty of love —
but please,
don’t let yourself get lost in translation
and blinded by something that does not exist.
Love can be beautiful and wild
just as it can be dirty and something to grieve.

So please,
if someone does not see the beauty your soul is,
let your eyes see what’s real and in front of you
and remind yourself,
there is nothing poetic about this one.

-from Somewhere in Between