The Subtle Change Each Birth Month Must Make To Find Their Soulmate
You need to be more optimistic about what the future holds and let yourself believe that you deserve to be treated right — because you do, but your negativity is convincing you to take less risks and isolate yourself.
You need to be more vulnerable with the people you trust instead of pretending you’re fine and keeping them at a distance because you’ll never grow close emotionally when you refuse to be your true self in front of them.
You need to be stricter about your boundaries and speak up when partners are treating you wrong, so you can weed out the people who are wrong for you and find someone who is willing to treat you right.
You need to keep your cool and avoid lashing out whenever small things go wrong in the relationship because your partners deserve to tell their side of the story before you jump to conclusions that could be completely wrong.
You need to be more flexible and keep your heart open to opportunities instead of rigidly sticking to your schedule so you don’t end up missing out on adventures of a lifetime, or the romance of a lifetime.
You need to be more confident in your decisions instead of second-guessing every move you make. Remember that you are intelligent and know what you’re doing so you don’t have to worry you made some huge mistake.
You need to be more assertive about what you want from your partner instead of giving and giving without ever asking for a scrap in return because you deserve to feel special and spoiled too.
You need to be more open to sharing and compromising with your partner instead of trying to live life exactly the same way as you did when you were single because you’re part of a team now.
You need to listen closely to what your partner is telling you and how they feel instead of assuming that you have all the answers and can solve all their problems for them because sometimes all they need is your presence.
You need to be more selfish and realize that what you want matters instead of automatically giving partners whatever they want without a second thought.
You need to be less impulsive about what you say when you’re upset and think through the point you’re trying to get across so you don’t end up saying it in a mean-spirited way when it could be gentle instead.
You need to put less pressure on yourself to ‘save’ or ‘sustain’ the relationship because in a healthy relationship your partner will be doing just as much work as you are and it won’t feel one-sided.