The Worst Relationships Of Your Life Will Be With A Man Who Won’t Stay Loyal
Katerina Holmes

The Worst Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With A Man Who Won’t Stay Loyal

The worst relationship of your life will be with someone who won’t stay loyal. Someone who is unable to follow through on the commitment they made you. Someone who makes you sit up at night wondering why you’re not enough for them – but you need to remember that this person is the problem, not you. It’s not your fault that they made such shitty decisions. It’s not your fault that they were incapable of sticking to their promises. It’s not your fault that they weren’t loyal, so stop blaming yourself or asking yourself what you could have done differently. No matter how they try to twist the narrative and shift the blame, this isn’t on you. This was their decision. This was their fault.

The worst relationship of your life will be with someone who won’t stay loyal because they will convince you that cheating was a one-time thing. A mistake. An error in judgement. They will convince you that it’s never going to happen again if you give them another chance. They will make you feel foolish for forgiving them because their old patterns will keep repeating. Maybe the apology will feel genuine at first. Maybe their behavior will change at first. But when they return to their old ways, you’ll be kicking yourself for believing them. You’ll be angrier with yourself than you are with them – but that’s exactly what they want.

The worst relationship of your life will be with someone who won’t stay loyal because the trust will be nonexistent – and a relationship cannot last without trust. Now that you know they have what it takes to hurt you, that they care more about their own selfish wants than your personal feelings, you are always going to feel uncomfortable around them. You are never going to be able to fully let your guard down and relax again. They are going to bring out your most paranoid side, a side that you cannot stand to see. They will turn you into someone you’re not, someone who is always questioning and suspicious, someone with doubts and insecurities.

The worst relationship of your life will be with someone who won’t stay loyal because they will let you down time and time again. Even though they see how much you’re hurting, even though they understand what their cheating is doing to you, they aren’t going to change their ways. And the fact that your pain isn’t enough to convince them they need to change is hard to handle. It’s hard to accept that this person you love more than anything doesn’t care enough about your feelings to stop what they’re doing. It hurts to know that you aren’t ‘important’ enough to get them to change.

The worst relationship of your life will be with someone who won’t stay loyal because it needs to end eventually. There’s never going to be a happy ending when their bad behavior keeps repeating itself over and over again. You will need to get out at some point. You will need to save yourself from this thing that they call love – because it’s not the love that you deserve.